Hacking comments to enhance content

Bambi Francisco Roizen · July 7, 2010 · Short URL: https://vator.tv/n/1082

Business Insider hacks Disqus to bring comment thread to its pages

It's becoming pretty commonplace for bloggers to allow other publications to republish their posts. But up until now, I've never known of a publication also taking comment threads to enhance their news pages.

In a recent post by Fred Wilson, who allows us to post his blog stories on VatorNews, he lets his readers know that not only is Business Insider reposting his stories, they're also taking the comment threads - all 59 comments, for this one particiluar story.

Here's a snapshot of the comment thread on Business Insider from the story it reposted of Fred's called: Currency Risk in a Business.

Clearly, a reader would be led to believe that Business Insider has a very robust community, actively commenting, including Fred himself.

Here's what Fred writes:

"You may have noticed that Business Insider cross posts a lot of the stuff that I write here. They are not the only online publication that does that but they are the most active one.

Today they cross posted yesterday's MBA Mondays post. But if you click through to that last link, you'll see that the comment thread (ie the discussion) that is running at the end of the Business Insider post is the same comment thread that runs at the end of the same post here at AVC.

I think this is the future. I'd like to see my content run everywhere that there is an audience that is interested in it. But I don't want to have to participate in multiple discussions about it. Using the same comment thread solves that problem.

Business Insider is using a simple hack to put the Disqus comment thread at the end of their cross post. But that won't be required for too much longer. I expect Disqus and any other serious comment system to allow this "multiple cross posts, one thread" approach to work simply and easily.

So if you want to cross post anything you read here, please do that. But also please bring the discussion with you. I appreciate it and our community will too."

I have to admit, that's pretty clever of Business Insider. I wish I thought of that!


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Bambi Francisco Roizen

Founder and CEO of Vator, a media and research firm for entrepreneurs and investors; Managing Director of Vator Health Fund; Co-Founder of Invent Health; Author and award-winning journalist.

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