House introduces bipartisan bill on AI in banking and housing
The bill would require a report on how these industries use AI to valuate homes and underwrite loans
This has been a really rocky road. It is so amazing that President Obama has ordered all
the American car makers to get another 10 miles per gallon out of their cars, and we
typically increase the mileage just with the HAFC kit by at least that with just about
anything we do when it is done right. In other words, right now there is only ONE entity
in this country that can take just about any make and model of car and exceed the
Presidents orders RIGHT NOW! That is incredible, because in January the FTC tried to
shut our main company the supplier of the HAFC kits down. In a one of a kind expert
report, the FTC has an expert physicist that claimed that it is IMPOSSIBLE for anyone
(not just us) to get more than a 4% improvement in the fuel economy of any American
made car! Because of that purported FACT, it made all our representations of getting
over 50% improvement the majority of the time impossible! This expert claimed that
about 96% of the gasoline in a vehicles is burned (leaving only 4% to leave the tailpipe.)
While this is not untrue, that does not mean that the burned fuel is making any power on
the wheels, instead most of it is being burning in the catalytic converter UNDER the
vehicle for NO mechanical benefit to the owner of the car. This report, while technically
true, was irrelevant to the nature of the internal combustion engine process and the
overall fuel economy of a vehicle. The FTC’s expert report became the justification to
put us out of business. Imagine the President of the United States and all his expert
advisors ordering the car makers to do what this FTC expert claims is impossible.
Imagine the FTC of this administration trying to shut down the company that can give the
President what he wants.
The FTC came in and on the strength of this expert got a judge, exparte (means they
ONLY heard ONE side of the story) to order that all of Dutchman Enterprises’ bank
accounts be frozen and the company’s assets be confiscated and the company be
restricted from making any claims or doing any business. They froze the accounts with
hundreds of thousands of dollars in them on Thursday, would not even allow the
paychecks for the employees to be paid on Friday. All the employees went home and the
business was shut down based upon no complaints at all to the FTC… ONLY this report
from the expert that stated that what we were claiming (and what the President was
ordering to happen by 2011) was impossible. It was a disaster for us!
We tried to get the judge to at least give us access to a portion of our funds to be able to
hire a lawyer, but the FTC refused to grant us even that one small right to counsel. So, the
leader of our project tried to mount a defense without any legal counsel. They even froze
his personal accounts and the company had nothing to operate on or use to defend itself.
Our guys went to court and the judge soon realized the injustice of it all and allowed us to
have money for our defense. We also asked if we could use some of our own money to
hire our own expert physicist to rebut their Doctor of physics. The judge allowed us to
spend $5,000 for that purpose. That turned out to be enough, because a Harvard engineer
that had been following this project volunteered to help out for free, and it turned out, his
father has a double doctorate in materials and in physical engineering with a master’s
degree in internal combustion engine design, and is world renown with almost 100
scientific abstracts published and books translated into most languages of the world. The
father was overseas and volunteered to come to the USA to give his opinion if we would
just pay his expenses. We also got the ex Vice President of the Society of Automotive
Engineers who designs internal combustion engines for GM, Volvo and Saab give us a
report on his opinion as well. The cost for both of these experts came to $5,000.
So, on February 5th, after a month of no activity and frozen accounts that almost
destroyed our business, we finally were ready to be heard in opposition to the FTC’s
heavy handed and totally unjustified attack on us. We had a hearing before judge Shipp in
Federal District Court. In the morning they put on their expert who stood by his report.
The judge was originally shocked to discover that the FTC had not ever gotten even on
complaint to justify this action. Our lawyer cross examined their expert and actually got
him to agree with every single point our experts were going to prove that day. He showed
him a report from the department of Energy showing that it was possible for the fuel
efficiency of cars to be increased by 50% by just injecting hydrogen into the combustion
chamber to help the gasoline burn better. Our lawyer asked the expert if he thought the
DOE was also lying about that fact. Our lawyer pointed out government web sites that
state that vehicles are only 15%-20% efficient while this expert was saying that vehicles
are 96% efficient. Our lawyer showed their expert facts and reports from car makers,
NASA, MIT, and even the encyclopedia to prove the folly of his assumptions. It was not
a very good day for their physicist. He was caught in defending physical principles that
are, on their face, true, but not relevant.
Then our experts explained to the judge why the report of their expert was not relevant to
the issue of fuel economy, and it became clear to the judge that their cryogenics expert
(even by his own admissions) was a poor selection on the part of the FTC for an expert to
give an opinion on internal combustion engines. The long and short of it is that we
PROVED in that courtroom on the 5th of February that our HAFC technology could
actually increase the efficiency of vehicles (in the unanimous opinions of all our experts)
by at least as much as 200% without violating even one of the laws of physics. The judge
was convinced, and ruled that our bank accounts be unfrozen and that we not be
restrained from doing any activity that we are currently doing and that we do not, in his
opinion, pose a danger to consumers.
If you want to read the whole story, read below.
Dennis Lee
The Hydro Assist Fuel Cell kit c ombines three
fuel saving tec hnologies along with a
sophistic ated c omputerized emission system
optimizer. It inc ludes 1) an elec trolysis unit for
on-board hydrogen injec tion; 2) a
vaporizer/ionizer using magnets; and 3)
additives that inc lude ac etone and xylene. ictorious_against_FTC/
Dennis Lee and Dutchman Win Round
Against FTC
In a major victory for the science of hydrogen-boost related systems, Dennis Lee
and Dutchman Enterprises were exonerated after a month of being shut down by
an FTC temporary restraining order for their super-mileage claims.
by Sterling D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News
Copyright © 2009
After a month of having their assets and
website frozen by a US Federal Trade
Commission (FTC) injunction, Dennis
Lee and Dutchman Enterprises were
exonerated Wednesday by NJ Federal
Judge, Michael Shipp who ruled in favor
of Lee and Dutchman, who have been
selling a "Hydrogen Assist Fuel Cell"
(HAFC) that they "guarantee" to improve
mileage by at least 50%. Lee is free of all
In a thirteen page statement meticulously
explaining his reasons, the judge
apparently pointed out that the FTC's
charge was inadequate, and that the
expert witness opinion by FTC's
physicist, Dr. Halperin, was trumped by
the internal combustion expert witness
who spoke in defense of Dutchman. The
physicist who the FTC produced as a key
witness, was not an expert in internal
combustion engines, and had given his
opinion that the claims being made by
Lee's group were "impossible" to
achieve. The judge pointed out that
Halperin never had gotten a HAFC kit,
never put it together, never tested it, never
ran data. The defense, on the other
hand, had produced a great deal of evidence in support of their claim, with an expert
Dennis Lee and Dutchman Defeat FTC file:///local/InnovativeTechGroup/HAFC/DennisLeeAndD...
1 of 4 02/18/2009 10:23 AM
The bill would require a report on how these industries use AI to valuate homes and underwrite loans
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Look at what I am doing to make a Better World for everyone . Look at what we are doing to Slow Global Warming and eliminate Oil Imports Rev. Dennis Drake President of Better and Better Technologies Inc.Our Theme song is "When the Ship comes in" by Bob Dylan July 10th 2009 is Energy Independence Day in USA & Canada Then we do the World
We are Revolutionizing the Automotive Industry in 2010 ! Our focus will be on the HAFC first until March of 2009 and then we intend to kick it up a big notch with our PICC . At our official kick off training class,last Oct 2007 we took an F-150 pick up (1995) and a 4 cylinder Plymouth Breeze as class projects. The class modified these two vehicles. The Ford pickup before modification got 12.7 mpg. The Plymouth, before modification, got just under 38 mpg. After the class modified the Ford pickup, it got 33 mpg! That’s a 159% increase in fuel economy. The Plymouth got over 77mpg, for an increase of over 100% in fuel economy. 2006 Toyota Prios is getting 150 MPG
We now have duel fuel cell 100 to 120 Liters !
In the case of Ford Motor Company, someone at Ford has had 48 of our kits for over a month. We do have a letter from one of their top engineers, on Ford Stationary, that HE believes that the HAFC is a valid concept. Whether he wrote that letter on his own or on behalf of Ford I cannot say, but he did write the letter telling us that he is heading up a team that is testing the 48 kits (at that time 24 HAFC kits) we sent AFTER receiving the letter. THAT IS A FACT! We have had almost constant dialogue with a Ford executive for months, and he has told us he is the liaison with the testers of our kits. We initially drove over a thousand miles to modify three cars for that executive and a half dozen Ford mechanics helped us do it. Both that executive AND All the Ford Mechanics involved in that technology exchange said they were impressed with our HAFC technology and the expertise of our installers. We were also very impressed with their knowledge. THOSE ARE DOCUMENTED FACTS! The Ford executive, whether for Ford, or on his own, arranged for the testing after telling us he took one of the modified cars to Detroit to meet with Alan Mulally and got approval to test the HAFC. We are sure there would be some sort of record of all that testing at Ford if it were done by them. If dozens of our kits were tested it would have involved dozens of Ford Engineers and other personnel. If the testing went on, as we were told, for almost two months (whether at Detroit or elsewhere with or without Ford’s approval) then dozens of technical people who work for Ford Motor Company believe that the HAFC must have merit. If the kits were not tested, then where are our kits? We would like to get them back. Ford seems to be claiming that they have had nothing to do with Dutchman Enterprises or the HAFC kit. If all this testing did take place then all Ford would have to do to get rid of this situation is tell everyone they tested it and it did not work. But, in fact, if they admit they tested it, they KNOW it does work and they KNOW we can demonstrate that so they cannot say it does not work. I believe they are throwing their loyal executive under the bus and trying to act like he is a rogue who went out on his own. We did work exclusively through him. But why would he throw his career away to try to get us to work with Ford? I also believe that the situation has changed since the gas prices have come back down, as has the economy. It has become political and Ford wants to deny any interest in our controversial technologies. THE FACT IS THAT SOMEONE THOUGHT ENOUGH OF ALL THIS TO TEST 48 OF OUR KITS! Was this just a Rogue Ford executive who knows the automobile industry conspiring with a top engineer for Ford, AND, God knows, how many other Ford employees, who have tried to help Ford discover a technology that these people (who have risked their careers) obviously believe in? If so, that should tell anyone what a whole bunch of Ford people think of the technology! This supposedly Rogue executive even came to our dealer convention and explained to all of us the testing program and our relationship with Ford Motor Company. That is a weird thing for a man operating in stealth to be doing. You cannot get a stronger endorsement than when people who have the few remaining jobs in the American Auto Industry risk everything, including their careers, to test a technology that could save Ford’s SUV, pickup, and other large vehicle market supposedly in an attempt to get us to work with Ford Motor Company and at no gain to themselves personally! If Ford did not authorize it, then this is most impressive! ALL OF THE ABOVE STATEMENTS OF FACT ARE WELL DOCUMENTED AND PROVEABLE FACTS!
Dennis B. Drake President Better and Better Technologies
1444 Living Desert Dr # 75 Las Vegas NV 89119
Making a Better World for Every One
“This is the best thing since the invention of the automobile!”
Mechanic from Seattle, WA
“My 2006 Mazda got 121 mpg! I am so excited I want to let everyone know ... This technology is real! Finally an alternative to soaring gas prices” John S., Queensland
Dennis Drake Please Join Me in Actually Saving the Environment by turning around Pollution Now Al Gore talks the talk ! I walk the Walk ! Watch the Videos Get 50% to over 400% Increase in Fuel Mileage , More Power & NO Pollution . And We are starting testing soon on Airplane Engines & Diesel , and the PICC is already proven on a Chinese 2 cyl, 2 Stroke Motors , With NO Pollution ! Help Slow Global Warming Now A Win , Win ,Win for Everyone & Every Living Thing We have just released our Hydro Assist Fuel Cell Kit for Cars and Trucks that is Now Available Globally ! 2007 Honda Civic is getting 100 MPG now & ZERO Pollution ! 2004 Ford F-150 460 CI is getting 43 MPG ! Applied Knowledge is True Green Power Available Globally now
Better and Better Every Day in Every Way Is the Only way to Be ! Don't you Agree ? See the Whole Truth Here are the Magazines we have bought a one page ad running Sept, Oct 2008 for HAFC/PICC !
Smithsonian Mag
National Geographic Global editions
Press release 09-19-2008 The Greenest Company on this Planet
Dutchman Enterprises can now announce that the initial meeting with representatives of Ford motor Company went very well and both parties are excited about testing the HAFC and PICC and for the potential for improving fuel economy for American automobiles. The initial reaction of the Ford team involved was excitement and enthusiasm over the potential of both the HAFC and PICC. Discussions have begun about both companies partnering together to further develop these technologies.
Dutchman Enterprises received a letter on August 18th from an engineer that is heading the Ford team to test the HAFC. In that letter from the Dearborn Michigan HQ address, the engineer wrote, "the (HAFC) concept makes good sense…" and he also wrote, "We are also excited about the potential of the PICC technology." Ford is testing this because to them it makes sense. Of course they are being cautious and diligent.
The executive who spoke with our dealers told us that Mr. Mulally, CEO of Ford Motor Company, was interviewed on CNBC on (September 12, 2008 one day before a Ford executive addressed our dealer network) when asked what direction Ford is going in… he told the reporter that there are some interesting things happening in the alternative fuels area. Hydrogen technologies involving water offer some incredible opportunities " to do something with the engines we already have." That is not a statement about Hydrogen Fuel Cells. In our opinion, that can ONLY mean water gas injection. Caution: We have not confirmed that this is what Mr. Mulally actually said, but we do know that he is involved in the process of evaluating the Hydro-Assist Fuel Cells.
Dennis B. Drake President Better and Better Technologies
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