At Post Seed 2015, hosted by Bullpen Capital, Vator and Venture 51, Cory Johnson, Editor-at-large at Bloomberg,  moderated the panel “Post-Seed CEOs”. He was joined by Eric Jennings, CEO of Filament; Drew Uher, CEO of Homelight; Matt Straz, Founder and CEO of Namely; Sunil Rajaraman, Co-founder of Scripted; and Scot Chisholm, Co-founder and CEO of Classy.

A key takeaway: Post Seed rounds help founders polish their narrative and achieve milestones to land a big institutional round.

Thanks to our main sponsors Silicon Legal StrategyKPMGBread & Butter and Doblet

Editor’s Note: Our annual Vator Splash Health 2016 conference is around the corner on February 23, 2016 at Kaiser Theater in Oakland. Speakers include Helmy Eltoukhy, PhD (Founder & CEO, Guardant Health), Ryan Howard (Founder & Chairman of the Board, Practice Fusion), Sonny Vu (CEO & Founder, Misfit Wearables), Lynne Chou (Partner, Kleiner Perkins) and more. Join us! REGISTER HERE.

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