One of LA’s top CEOs, Beachmint founder Josh Berman, took the stage at the third annual Vator Splash LA to deliver his top six “ways to be”–which are more or less guidelines on how to live. Among the guidelines: Believe in your project! Once you do that, your conviction is essentially contagious.
“Your partners and you become immersed in what you’re doing,” said Berman, who moved on to how to keep the passion alive when your business is moving quickly and you find yourself having to make a lot of fast moves. “I make a lot of decisions very quickly. I make about 10 important decisions a day, and I might make five bonehead decisions, but if I make two or three really good decisions, they’ll make up for the bad ones. People who move faster and work hard, get stuff done.”
For a good write-up of his presentation, check out Faith Merino’s “Six ways to Be” part one and “Six way to be” part deux.