It’s not often the case that founders and CEOs of high-profile companies make appearances when things aren’t going so well. But fortunately for the attendees at Vator Splash LA, the audience was in for a rare treat: A CEO who would humble himself by admitting his failures and struggles, even as he was navigating through some challenging times.

Here’s the video of the keynote by Scott Painter, founder and CEO of TrueCar, who explained to the audience at the LA event why the first six months of this year had been full of stress. It was a time that “sucked ass,” as Painter described it on stage.

Here’s the video. For some highlights, also check out the story we wrote up earlier this year in a piece titled: TrueCar CEO: The last six months sucked ass.

Painter’s presentation surprised many attendees who admired his honesty and perseverance.  

At Vator Splash, we’ve always managed to inspire the audience by bringing out the best entrepreneur stories. As some may recall, Tim Westergren, founder of Pandora, spoke of maxing out 12 credit cards and not paying employees for two years. We also had HomeAway’s CEO and founder Brian Sharples talked about how he lost one million dollars of his investors’ money in three hours.

At Splash NY, coming up on the evening of Dec. 5 in Manhattan, we’ll bring two more entrepreneurs who’ve experienced extreme entrepreneurship and the lessons they learned a long the way. Be sure to make it to Splash NY. Register here.

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