Our profiles allow members to express themselves by sharing their interests, lessons learned, as well as bits and pieces of their roller-coaster journey.
These profiles give entrepreneurs an opportunity to showcase themselves and tell their story. So if you are an entrepreneur, a serial entrepreneur, or even an aspiring entrepreneur, we’d like to hear from you.
Today’s Entrepreneur is Yan Heim co-founder and CEO of Froomz Inc. According to her VEQ she is a thought leader and is good at team motivation and finance management.
You are a(n):
Name companies you’ve founded or co-founded:
Froomz Inc., Beijing Mitec Technology Inc.
Name companies you’ve invested in:
Froomz Inc.
Name startups you worked for:
Froomz Inc., Beijing Mitec Technology Inc.
If you are an entrepreneur, why?
I enjoy shaking things up
List your favorite startups:
Froomz, Airbnb
What’s most frustrating and rewarding about entrepreneurship/innovation?
Nothing frustrates me, I’m loving every minute of it. Seeing what we’ve built making a difference is most rewarding.
What’s the No. 1 mistake entrepreneurs make?
Obsessing about your product , not your customer
What are the top three lessons you’ve learned as an entrepreneur?
- Engage your customer at every stage of product development;
- Get a great team that shares a common vision;
- Execute, execute, execute!