It seems like there’s a Groupon clone for every need. Want great discounts on clothes/shoes/food/dining/adult products? There’s a Groupon clone for that. A new niche Groupon clone launched Wednesday for consumers who want discounts but not at the expense of the environment. Green Deals, launched by Green America, will serve up eco-friendly deals (or just everyday deals) from green businesses that have been approved by Green America.
To determine whether a business is a “green business,” Green America requires that the business demonstrate that it is focused on using its platform for positive social change, is “values-driven” as well as profit-driven, is socially and environmentally responsible in the way it sources, manufactures, and markets its products (as well as how it runs its offices and factories), and employs “extraordinary and innovative” practices that benefit workers, communities, customers, and the environment. So it’s not a badge the organization tosses out lightly.
Businesses in the network include Earth Lov’n Paper Products, To-Go Ware (re-usable eating utensils for when you want to order food on the go but don’t want to use disposable containers), Numi Tea, World World Flowers, International Bicycle Fund, and more.
Green Deals doesn’t exactly follow the same rules as other sites either. For one thing, it doesn’t appear to be a site for local businesses. Thus far, all of the current and past deals have been for nationwide products and services.
Also, the site is an interesting mix of daily deals and group buying. Some deals require a minimum number of people to sign up while others are only available for 24 hours regardless of how many people join, and then some are available for two or three days, and others are available until they run out. But it looks like the site is more geared towards timed deals than the collective buying angle.
“Green Deals helps Americans who are tightening their belts live a green life and save money at the same time,” said Green America executive director Alisa Gravitz in a prepared statement. “From household necessities to great gift ideas, Green Deals provides terrific products from businesses that have been screened by Green America for their social and environmental responsibility.”
The site has already drawn 100,000 members who can get green daily deals in addition to the site’s weekly green deals—although, it looks like the team hasn’t updated the weekly deal in a while. The last weekly green deal was one month ago and offered a free natural beauty sampler pack from with any Green Deals purchase of $50 or more.
Users can also visit the site to get Green Tips: environmentally friendly suggestions for every day life.
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