This is the third part of my interview with Richard Rosenblatt, CEO and co-founder of Demand Media.

In the first two interviews (conducted about a month ago), Richard first talked about Demand’s innovative and scientific approach to content creation and Demand’s financial outlook and whether an IPO was in its future. In this interview, Richard talks about his view of the media landscape and how he sees Demand fitting in. 

From his perspective, Demand can work with all media. While Microsoft and Google need content to search and serve up (Demand supplies YouTube with 180,000 videos per month), traditional media (challenged with changing industry dynamics) can also use Demand’s mass-produced, quality content.

Richard also talks about who he sees as competitors. He says there are similarities with Associated Content, and Helium, but that Demand’s content is basically better, as 75% of his writers have written for magazines and newspapers or published books. He also touches on Mahalo and, saying Demand’s model is different.

There’s more to this interview. So, sit back and enjoy.


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