In the introduction to her keynote address to OMMA Social San Francisco 2009, Angela Courtin (SVP Marketing, Entertainment & Content, MySpace) summarizes the principal needs of users as:
- self-expression
- contribution toward positive change
- fun
When her organization works with a major consumer brand, a political apparatus, a newspaper, a non-governmental organization, a cinematic enterprise, a music label or artist, the objectives which their integrated marketing programs pursue will adhere to the satisfaction of these three principal needs. MySpace has always committed itself toward advancing individual self-expression, and each individual’s creativity in the engineering of their own unique online fingerprint which encompasses the things and the ideas that they love (e.g. art, books, cinematic and musical artists, friends, hobbies, lifestyles, philosophies, family, pets, photos, blogs, vlogs, political/social causes).
In balance with self-expression, MySpace has refined user control over how much access they allow to different segments of their audience or spheres of influence (which includes commercial brands). When creative self-expression embraces brands in pursuit of fun or support of causes, major brands are offered the opportunity to understand what it is that users care about and to help those users pursue that self-expression while the brand engages with individuals in programs that build the identity, awareness, and appreciation of a permanent relationship.
I find Ms. Courtin’s introduction instructive to all of us who practice social media, as we struggle to overcome our own boundaries in listening, understanding, engaging, and growing with those whom we choose to do so.
For more from Rich, go to his blog
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