Ashton Kutcher’s startup Blah Girls has gotten a lot of press.
In this video, Ashton gives us his take on his experience as an entrepreneur.
There wasn’t much to his lessons. I guess that’s not surprising, given that he’s an, uh, actor for a living. I don’t even think he’s played an entrepreneur in his character. Nonetheless, in this video, you get a sense of how he describes Blah Girls, and a few aphorisms: Find more ways to give; when you receive something, find a way to share it; leave the box wide open.
The site, for those unfamiliar with it, essentially is a celebrity gossip site hosted by three cartoon girls – Brittany, Tiffany and Cristal, who look like they’re straight out of the South Park animation. Think People magazine meets South Park meets TMZ. Images of celebrities are posted onto the site and the three characters offer up jaunty zingers “of what’s the goins on,” as Ashton says in his video pitch he gave to Vator.
It’s unclear, however, what age the Blah Girls site is targeting. I’m not sure who’d want their teenage kids to be looking at this.
But in the end, it’s just a bunch of girls being girls, and Blah, blah, blah-ing about stuff, like boys.