Those fearing for the future of radio need to look no further than the Internet to see that there is a hopeful future.
A recent study commissioned by TargetSpot shows that Internet radio listenership is on the rise — with roughly 42% of U.S. households listening to some form of the radio.
So, while AM/FM stations are seeing a decline in people turning dials, radio execs shouldn’t fear that Internet listeners won’t be as devoted. In fact, 65% of broadcast radio listeners spend the same amount of time listening to radio content as do Internet radio users.
When you take a look at who is listening to digital audio content, TargetSpot found that 54% of the audience was male, 51% were married and 64% of them were listening from their own home.
Another promising finding for marketing executives working with Internet radio is that 22% of listeners have a household income of at least $100,000 — thats up 29% from last year.
The study also found an 87% increase in tablet ownership among Internet radio listeners, and a 22% increase in smartphone ownership — so as more devices offer a portal into Internet radio options, we might be able to draw the conclusion that listeners are using these devices.
Compared to last year, 48% of respondents spend more time listening to Internet radio on a tablet device, and 38% spent more time listening on a mobile device.
And with services popping up to keep people in the habit of listening to music on their devices, such as Pandora, Spotify and, online listeners are very social — 60% of respondents reported visiting social networking sites.
But it is harder to pinpoint whether people are socially sharing Internet radio and music information in this context, especially since only 32% like to see music information from their friends or followers on social networks, and only 27% reported liking that others can see and comment on their listening habits.
Now that TargetSpot has drawn the conclusion that Internet radio listening is a now established activity that is continuing to grow and most Internet radio users, 86%, “opt-in” to receive ads on free, ad-supported services. So it looks like more broadcast radio should be rapidly working on beefing up their online presence and marketing solutions to remain competitive.