Gmail’s Priority Inbox sorts for you. Gmail late Thursday released a new beta feature that will allow users to “to not only classify outright spam, but also to help users separate this “bologna” from the important stuff. In a way, Priority Inbox is like your personal assistant, helping you focus on the messages that matter without requiring you to set up complex rules.” according to the official Google blog post. It will allow users to set priorities with the click of a plus or minus arrow to set rules about what are and are not important to your life.
AutoCAD on Mac, iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. The AutoCAD software will be released on Tuesday for Mac, according to The Wall Street Journal. A limited mobile version of the software will also be available for Mac’s mobile devices: iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch, which will allow users to make basic edits to the files, but most likely not extensive changes.
Joshua Bloch, of the Google’s open source programs office, is starting a boycott of the JavaOne conference. He stated in a blog post that this was because of “Oracle’s recent lawsuit against Google and open source has made it impossible for us to freely share our thoughts about the future of Java and open source generally.” While this post was originally posted on Friday the posting has generated over 100 comments, sparking an active debate on the legal issues, and Oracles open source policies in general.
The Social Network, film, which is going to be released on October 1st has just launched their promotional site. The site houses trailers and words like “Punk,” “Traitor” and “Genius”. It lays out photos, videos and cast information, in a Facebook style layout.
Skype goes business. Skype Connect, the service that has been in beta testing since March of 2009, on Monday was released to the public. The new service, which will allow use with both land line and mobile phones will cost 2.1 cents per minute, as well as a fee of $6.95 a month per channel. A channel determines the number of calls that you can make at a given time. Since it is largely untested in the business market and service will be an unknown.
Foursquare teams up with MTV. After reaching three million users this week Foursquare has made a new announcement, they will be working with MTV to award end users who to award users who check in to a music venue. The prize? A 2010 MTV VMA Moonman Badge for everyone who checks in, and a pair of tickets to the big winner. They are also collaborating on a badge for getting tested for STD’s according to The Associated Press.The badges are part of the MTV “GYT: Get Yourself Tested” campaign.