Why is it so important to have a website?
Right now, if you don’t have a website, you’re no longer in business especially in the United States.
When you have a business, you have business card, right? A website is your business card on the web. But on the business card, you can only write a few details about yourself. On the web you can really showcase your own personality, your character and just everything about you and your business.
For example, what are your products? In a website, you can showcase your products with lots of images and description. You may write about your services with more details and even provide testimonials and references.
The website is also the new yellow pages. If you are in business, you must be aware that yellow pages ads are expensive. It’s far more economical to be on the web. And everybody these days, research on the web before they do anything with anyone.
If you have a store you know, you’re 24/7 open because your website is on. You can sleep and you can generate income while you’re sleeping. When you wake up, upon a click of a mouse, you already have a sale. That feels good. It’s nice, I like it when you wake up to a sale, first thing in the morning.
If you have a website, you also have an international presence. I’ve witnessed Ma and Pa shops grow in leaps and bounds. Of course, the website makes you a little bit bigger than you really are, but it’s still fascinating that anybody could access you all over the world and in several different languages. That’s the amazing power of the web. With an international presence, you can really accomplish a lot on the web.
Nobody takes the website for granted these days. I speak now for me and my colleagues. We are quite busy because these days, everybody is taking the website seriously.
“Do you have a website?” a common question these days. Costs of websites are still economical compared to having a physical store. You don’t need thousands of dollars to have a web presence, hundreds of dollars is sufficient.
If you have a website, you can literally and figuratively conquer the world!
Let me show you how…contact me at ming@mingswebdesign.com