Timezpot, Inc. News Bites

After a great demo table at Vator Splash Competition in SF. Heads down to put all we learned in place and release our MVP!! on October 14
Bambi Francisco Roizen
Bambi Francisco Roizen at 03:40pm October 14
It was great that you guys flew all the way over here from Brazil for the event. Can't wait to see the MVP!
Glauco José Côrte Filho
Glauco José Côrte Filho at 10:35am December 05
Oi leandro sou o Glauco de Florianópolis. meus parabéns pelo empreendedorismo. Abraços
Timezpot demo table will be on the second floor on the Splash event . Come talk to us and learn more about our tool. on September 28
We're on the second round of the Splash Competition!! We'll cover the event in our Twitter @timezpot. on September 20
Thumbs_up_green Deise Vicentin liked this update
Hello followers, our landing page is available! please sign in and don't forget to check the "about" page with our main features description. on September 12
We are working hard to put our alpha(MVP for lean users) out for first feedbacks! on August 14
Thumbs_up_green Juliana Cindra liked this update
Thiago Sindra
Thiago Sindra at 07:49pm August 15
Textos atualizados em http://www.timezpot.com Texts updated at http://www.timezpot.com