NextWidgets News Bites

That's it - last day of voting for Vator Splash. It's been fun to motivate the friends to support us. And thanks for any last minute votes that still come in!! on September 15
Thumbs_up_green Nikola Balog, Milos Stevanovic liked this update
Monika Gill
Monika Gill at 06:45pm October 08
Good Luck Alex and nextwidgets!
Nice article on the degradation of Twitter search : Basically major technology issues. on August 26
Can't understand why Twitter search history only goes back 4 days now. Not very useful. If we can index the entire web, why can't we index the conversation on Twitter ? on August 20
Onjanirina Rakotoniaina
Onjanirina Rakotoniaina at 02:13am August 26
Who says he can index the entire web ? Surely someone thinking of web in nearly 199x. 120Go per year/per person, the amount of data we all create each each.
Onjanirina Rakotoniaina
Onjanirina Rakotoniaina at 04:07am August 26
Speed in returning results ! I agree with you otherwise, but at least they should improve results qualities : associated terms or queries, synonyms, etc.
Getting excited about all the new followers on Vator and the upcoming Splash competition. Please vote for us : Thank you thank you !! on August 18
Read yesterday that Motorola is making an Android tablet with Verizon that will be thinner & lighter than iPad and run Flash. Not long now before Apple will have to cave in on Flash and start supporting it again. on August 05
Advertising industry reaction to iAds - steps in the right direction on July 23
Thumbs_up_green suresh rajalingam liked this update
Preparing for Vator Splash, TC and Health2.0 conferences in September - excited about NextWidgets in San Francisco :) on July 22