Damiano Uccheddu

Damiano Uccheddu

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/damianouccheddu
Member since January 11, 2016
  • About

Full bio
|| Per il mio profilo in ITALIANO cliccate sul menù a destra "View this profile in another language"​ || I am an Italian student enrolled in the MSc program in Sociology and Social Research at the University of Trento. Currently, I am engaged in writing a dissertation about health inequalities of elderly people in Europe. I look forward to putting into practice the technical and methodological skills I have acquired over the course of my studies: ➤ ESSENTIAL TOOLS FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH: Teamwork; Critical analysis of scientific literature; Methodology; Survey design; Hypothesis formulation; Academic writing and presentation skills; Collaborative writing. ➤ QUANTITATIVE METHODS: Data management with Stata; Questionnaire design; Online data collection (LimeSurvey); Multivariate analysis; SEM; Factor analysis; Principal component analysis (PCA); Regression analysis; Panel data analysis. ➤ QUALITATIVE METHODS: Face to face and in-depth interviews; Focus groups facilitation; Transcription of audio recordings of interviews (Express Scribe); Semantic analysis of texts and other qualitative data (Atlas.ti). ➤ SOCIAL NETWORK ANALYSIS: Data collection from Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Flickr, etc. (NodeXL). Data management with NodeXL and Ucinet. ______________________________________________________ If you want to contact me, please feel free to do so!