Ben Manning

Ben Manning

Member since April 04, 2016
  • About

Full bio
I was an Early Childhood Education professional with a passion for better understanding brain development. While immersing myself in teaching and understanding children I began to develop a need to understand technology as well. I wanted to find a way to merge these two interests in my career and make a meaningful impact on the world around me. I began researching ways to better educate myself on Web Development. After researching various schools and programs I settled on learning programming at General Assembly's Web Development Immersive program. I am in the process of finishing my program and look to join a company where I can learn and contribute in an effective and engaging manner. Technical Skills: Languages: JavaScript, Ruby, HTML, CSS Frameworks: Node.js, ExpressJS, Rails, AngularJS Database Tools: SQL, PostgreSQL, ActiveRecord Authorization: Passport Local, Bcrypt Testing Frameworks: Mocha, Chai, RSpec Other: Git/GitHub, Heroku, jQuery, AJAX, JSON, Bootstrap