Vator Innovation Series

  • Making Money

Featured Vator Innovation Series

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  • October 9, 2015

How does Twilio make money?

Twilio clients pre-pay for services like SMS messaging, phone numbers and minutes, then draw it down

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  • October 2, 2015

How does Trulia make money?

Trulia makes most of its money from subscription products, along with some revenue from advertising

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  • September 25, 2015

How does Spotify make money?

Spotify makes most of its money off a subscription service, but is in the red due to royalty payouts

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  • September 18, 2015

How does Zulily make money?

Zulily saw huge wait times due to its distribution method, where it bought goods after sales ended

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  • September 11, 2015

How does Zuora make money?

Zuora offers a " dynamic pricing model" where customers pay based on the value they get from it

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  • August 21, 2015

How does Wayfair make money?

Wayfair uses a drop shipping model, where its network of suppliers ship directly to customers

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  • August 14, 2015

How does GitHub make money?

GitHub offers unlimited collaborators and public repositories, but charges for private repositories

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  • August 7, 2015

How does Shopify make money?

Shopify offers subscriptions and charges fees for payment processing, transactions and referrals