Keragon, an automation platform for the healthcare space, launches with $3M

Steven Loeb · June 4, 2024 · Short URL:

The company enables real-time synchronization of patient data across multiple applications

Healthcare technology is fragmented, with industry professionals navigating daily between multiple software tools, each critical for different aspects of patient care. At the same time, most of those tools lack effective interoperability.

"They often operate in isolation from one another and rarely communicate. This results in cumbersome, error-prone manual data entry and coordination. Increasing the cognitive load on healthcare providers and hampering the overall efficiency," said Conno Christou, CEO and fo-founder of Keragon, an AI-powered HIPAA-compliant automation platform for healthcare that launched out of stealth on Tuesday with $3 million in funding.

"We built Keragon to address these challenges. Our platform enables real-time synchronization of patient data across various applications, from electronic health records (EHRs) to CRM systems and billing software. This integration across different tools is crucial for reducing the manual effort involved in patient care, directly improving clinical outcomes."

A workflow automation tool designed specifically for the healthcare industry, Keragon is designed with the healthcare sector's unique integration needs in mind and with full compliance with privacy and security law. This means the platform not only integrates with healthcare-specific software but also addresses the nuances and complexities of medical data and workflows.

"There are some great no-code automation tools out there, but they are not HIPAA-compliant and don’t have the healthcare specific integrations, i.e. EHRs, claim management tools, and healthcare CRMs, needed to streamline the human-hungry administrative workflows of practices," said Christou.

The company currently serves over 50 customers, including SMB practices, large clinic/hospital networks, and digital health companies, ranging from early-stage startups to NASDAQ-listed firms. To interact with the platform, a Keragon customer will login into their dashboard, they'll authenticate with the vendors they want to integrate, and then, using a no-code editor, they can drag-and-drop different components to create the automation they’d like.

Typical use cases for Keragon include automating patient intake, appointment scheduling, and marketing workflows. Also, many of its customers leverage Keragon to enhance their EHR capabilities: they set up workflows that connect the EHR with other specialized vendors and apply custom business logic to automate operations as they scale.

For patients, the immediate benefit is a smoother experience: an integrated systems means patients experience fewer delays, more accurate handling of their medical records, and a more personalized approach to their health needs. 

Meanwhile, providers, such as doctors, nurses, and administrative staff, benefit from reduced administrative burdens: With Keragon’s no-code platform, they can automate routine tasks like patient intake, scheduling, and billing, which allows them to devote more time and resources to patient care. This reduction in cognitive load and administrative tasks is crucial in addressing clinician burnout, a significant challenge within the healthcare industry today.

Finally, for payers, such as insurance companies, Keragon ensures a more efficient and error-free claims and billing process, thanks to real-time and accurate data flow across systems. 

As the company just launched, it doesn't have hard figures on its ROI; however, its customers have shared through testimonials that they've been seeing a drop in no-show rates, significant time savings on routine tasks, and an overall efficiency boost in their operations.

"The impact of Keragon on the various stakeholders in healthcare is profound and far-reaching," said Christou. "Once they see the benefits of their first automations, they typically start to invest in more automated workflows that they previously thought were impossible."

The company's new pre-seed funding round was co-led by Focal and Afore, followed by 25madison—Lifepoint Health. These funds will be used to grow the team, with a focus on engineering and customer support. The company is also already currently working on the next iteration of the platform with AI at its core to further support non-technical users in setting up automations successfully. 

Finally, Kreagon plans to double down on marketing, as it has been under the radar for nearly two years, and now it plans to "work towards establishing Keragon as the leader in healthcare automations," said Christou. 

"Our ultimate goal with Keragon is to lead the digital transformation of healthcare by making automation easy for all healthcare professionals in the US, and enable non-technical practitioners to fully leverage the disruptive power of AI in healthcare. We’re set to build a sector-defining company in an industry as vital as healthcare, that touches so many lives."

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