Video: Invivox - Vator Splash Health 2017

Mitos Suson · April 13, 2017 · Short URL:

Check out Julian Delpechs' winning presentation on stage and the judges' feedback

At Vator Splash Health 2017, here's the video of Julian Delpech,Founder, Invivox giving his presentation.

Invivox takes a commission (10 to 25% based on the number of participants) on each training booked by a physician. Invivox proposes a SaaS business model to the Medical Device Manufacturers

Among the judges were Risa Stack (General Manager, GE Ventures), Emily Melton (Partner, DFJ Venture), Paul Willard (Partner, Subtraction Capital), Hubert Zajicek (CEO, Health Wildcatters

Thanks to Splash Health 2017 sponsors: AdvsrAARPAvison Young, Bread and Butter WineSilicon Valley BankSurf AirStratpointSilicon Valley Bank and Scrubbed. Remember! If you want to invest in startups selected by Vator, join the Vator Investment Club.

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Mitos Suson

I produce Vator Events and enjoy the challenge. I am learning and growing a lot, being involved with Vator and loving every moment of it!

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Invivox is a worldwide medical platform that connects medical experts and practitioners in view of offering on-site (inside the operating room), one-to-one practical training sessions alongside experts.

Invivox reinvents medical mentoring, which is the basis of the transmission of knowledge between physicians.

Practically speaking, medical experts open their OR to other surgeons from around the world.

On one hand, Experts set the dates, the number of physicians they can accomodate in their OR and the price per participant.

On the other hand, surgeon can look for a specific training, register and pay on line and then travel to the place of the Expert for a real live mentoring experience.

According to physicians, there is no better way to acquire a new technique.

Invivox Homepage







Julien Delpech

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Married, 3 kids. 20 years of experience in the Medical Device industry located in Moscow, Buenos Aires, Mexico city, London. Launched Invivox in 2015 when I realized Medical Mentoring was not efficient anymore. It had to be reinvented. We did it.

Hubert Zajicek, MD, MBA

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Co-founded Health Wildcatters, which I also run. I specialize in healthcare companies / startups (digital health/ mHealth / medical device companies) where I have spent most of my time.

Richard ROHOU

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After working in TV and Digital entertainment in Canada and the US, I have founded R2, digital strategy and communication company. Since 2015, I am the co-founder of Invivox, startup which facilitates knowledge sharing in the Medical Industry.

Patxi Ospital

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Fabrice Paublant

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In 2004, I co-founded and was CEO of Laboratoires Narval, a Sleep Apnea device company acquired by ResMed in 2009. Since 2013, I am co-fouder and CEO of CELLIPSE an oncology Biotech. Since 2016 I joined INVIVOX as co-founder and acting CFO.

Paul Willard

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Partner at Subtraction Capital, investing in early stage enterprise software companies in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Emily Melton

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