Video: Amicomed - Vator Splash Health 2017

Mitos Suson · April 12, 2017 · Short URL:

Check out Giangiacomo Rocco di Torrepadulas' winning presentation on stage and the judges' feedback

At Vator Splash Health 2017, here's the video of Giangiacomo Rocco di Torrepadula,Founder, Amicomed giving his presentation.

Amicomed address B2B customers that can receive tangible clinical and economic benefits from their outcomes. Amicomed will first target care-providers linked to quality metrics (e.g. ACOs, BPCI), impacting positively their quality scores, avoiding losses/gaining benefits (hence willing to pay for Amicomed). Once they have built more evidence as they grow, Amicomed will start targeting payers, including CMS, increasing potential users and improving the service

Among the judges were Risa Stack (General Manager, GE Ventures), Emily Melton (Partner, DFJ Venture), Paul Willard (Partner, Subtraction Capital), Hubert Zajicek (CEO, Health Wildcatters

Thanks to Splash Health 2017 sponsors: AdvsrAARPAvison Young, Bread and Butter WineSilicon Valley BankSurf AirStratpointSilicon Valley Bank and Scrubbed. Remember! If you want to invest in startups selected by Vator, join the Vator Investment Club.


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Mitos Suson

I produce Vator Events and enjoy the challenge. I am learning and growing a lot, being involved with Vator and loving every moment of it!

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Subtraction Capital

Angel group/VC

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Subtraction Capital is an opportunistic venture fund that works hard to support great entrepreneurs. We believe that we have an eye for spotting valuable companies early in their lifecycle, but we also invest in mid and late stage companies that have proven track records and more established teams.

Amicomed Inc.


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Amicomed is the first fully automated digital therapeutics platform for Blood Pressure (BP) management combining innovative remote monitoring and lifestyle intervention.

Amicomed leverages proprietary algorithms to provide tangible outcomes through innovative management of blood pressure. The platform supports physicians and patients with remote monitoring tools enhanced by unprecedented blood pressure data analysis, and an actionable, consumer-grade designed, personalized lifestyle intervention. 

Amicomed's results have been striking: 70% adherence with a mean BP reduction (sys) of 5mmHg (up to 20mmHg) with seven proof points at major international congresses (American Heart Association, American Society of Hypertension, American College of Cardiology, European Society of Hypertension, etc).


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Giangiacomo Rocco di Torrepadula

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Serial entrepreneur passionate for startups. MBA (Bocconi), McKinsey. In 2000 cofounded Pharmaidea (at his exit fully profitable, €150 mln rev, and 150 employees). Now cofounder and CEO of Amicomed, digital platform for blood pressure management


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Lecturer in Cardiovascular Medicine and Director Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation Unit at San Raffaele Hospital Founding Member International Heart Health Society Experience in Health IT, founding member Health On The Net (Geneva)


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Paul Willard

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Partner at Subtraction Capital, investing in early stage enterprise software companies in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Emily Melton

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Hubert Zajicek, MD, MBA

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Co-founded Health Wildcatters, which I also run. I specialize in healthcare companies / startups (digital health/ mHealth / medical device companies) where I have spent most of my time.

Ryan Howard

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Ryan is the founder, chairman and CEO of Practice Fusion. He founded the company in 2005 and has grown it into the largest physician-patient community in the US.