Glooko, Propeller Health, Enlitic on telemedicine trends

Mitos Suson · March 24, 2016 · Short URL:

At Vator Splash Health 2016, Vator's Roman Arzhintar leads talk on patient-engagement

At Vator Splash Health 2016, Roman Arzhintar (Managing Director, Vator Investment Club) moderated the panel: "Telemedicine and Patient-Engagement" with panelists: Chris Hogg (COO, Propeller Health), Rick Altinger (CEO, Glooko), Lina Nilsson, PhD (Head of Market Development, Enlitic), Julie Papanek (Healthcare Investor, Canaan Partners)

Thanks to our main sponsors KPMGJavelin Venture PartnersSAP Startup FocusBread and Butter WineArtis CoffeeScrubbedStratpoint and Healthiest

Editor's Note: Our annual Vator Splash Spring 2016 conference is around the corner on May 12, 2016 at the historic Scottish Rite Center in Oakland. Speakers include  Nigel Eccles (CEO & Co-founder, FanDuelAndy Dunn (CEO, Bonobos), Libby Schaaf (Mayor, City of Oakland), Mitch Kapor (Founder, Kapor Center for Social Impact), Oisin Hanrahan (Co-Founder & CEO, Handy), and more. Join us! REGISTER HERE.

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Mitos Suson

I produce Vator Events and enjoy the challenge. I am learning and growing a lot, being involved with Vator and loving every moment of it!

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Glooko is the world’s leading Unified Platform for Diabetes Management and is trusted by the world’s leaders in diabetes care. Glooko provides an FDA-cleared, HIPAA-compliant web and mobile application, which aims to improve health outcomes for people with diabetes, in turn reducing costs for payers and the healthcare system. Glooko seamlessly syncs with over 50 blood glucose meters, insulin pumps, CGMs, fitness and activity trackers, and supplies timely, verified patient data such as blood glucose, carbs, insulin, blood pressure, diet and weight data. Glooko’s mobile app enables patients to easily track and proactively manage all aspects of their diabetes care. Glooko’s Population Management web app and API’s offers diabetes-centric analytics and supply insightful reports, graphs and risk flags to patients, health systems and payers, as well as third party developers.

Vator, Inc.


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Vator (short for innovator) is an awesome professional network for entrepreneurs and investors that sits at the intersection of media and finance. Our entrepreneurial ecosystem consists of startups, investors, strategics and service providers.

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Vator was originally founded by Bambi Francisco and seed funded by its original lead investor Peter Thiel as a social network for startups and investors, combining media coverage with rich profiles and filtering. Over the more than decade since its founding Vator has expanded to offer a full range of services to the entrepreneurial community. Today Vator is a well-recognized and trusted member of the startup community.

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Canaan Partners

Angel group/VC

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Canaan Partners invests in entrepreneurs and works alongside them to turn visionary ideas into valuable companies.  Since 1987, the firm has catalyzed the growth of disruptive technology startups and healthcare companies revolutionizing the practice of medicine.  With $3.4 billion under management and more than 95 acquisitions and 55 IPOs to date, Canaan has funded companies such as Acme Packet, Associated Content (acquired by Yahoo), CommerceOne, DoubleClick (acquired by Google), ID Analytics (acquired by LifeLock), (acquired by IAC), SandForce (acquired by LSI), SuccessFactors (acquired by SAP) and Virsto Software (acquired by VMware).  Current technology investments include Blurb, Kabam, Lending Club, Performance Marketing Brands, SOASTA, Tremor Video and Zoosk in the U.S.; BharatMatrimony, Loylty Rewardz and UnitedLex in India; and PrimeSense and LiveU in Israel.  Canaan maintains a presence in the global innovation hubs of Silicon Valley, New York City, India and Israel.    For more information visit Follow us on Twitter @canaanpartners.


Julie Papanek

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Julie Papanek is a healthcare VC at Canaan Partners, a tech and healthcare fund currently investing its 10th fund of $650M. She leads early stage investments in novel biopharmaceutical and digital health companies.

Roman Arzhintar

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I am an entrepreneur and investor. I enjoy building products and companies. I have been a founder of several companies, have purchased two, sold two, and always interested in what's out there.