Today’s Entrepreneur is Jason Silberberg, CEO of Nabthat. Nabthat is the smart way to buy a car. NabThat unshackles car shoppers from the drag and frustration of traditional car buying by providing an experience that saves time, money, and keeps hairs from growing gray. Nabthat was alos one of the 10 finalists of the Vator Splash LA competition.

Jason is a seasoned executive who has been part of the automotive space since a child; family owned dealerships in the LA area, his first jobs were working in the dealerships from creating a concierge dept., to managing sales and marketing.

Learn more about Jasonfrom his Vator profile. 
I am a(n):


Companies I’ve founded or co-founded:
If you are an entrepreneur, why?

I want to change the world.

My favorite startups:

Uber, Airbnb, HotelTonight, FloShare

What’s the No. 1 mistake entrepreneurs make?

They don’t trust themselves

What are the top three lessons you’ve learned as an entrepreneur?

1. Don’t get too high on highs or too low on lows
2. Trust your instinct
3. Don’t be afraid

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