If I were ever to use Google Glass, one of the first things I would probably want to do it would be to take video of something cool happening right in front of me. I mean, isn’t a major selling point that you can take pictures and videos without having to fumble around with a device or camera?

And then, the video has to go somewhere if I want people to see it, so off to YouTube it would go.

Well, not so fast. Despite the fact that Google owns YouTube, Google Glass, for whatever reason, does not allow users to put video directly onto the site. Seems like kind of a no-brainer to me, but what do I know?

So, as you might have expected, a developer has already come along and solved this problem.

Fullscreen, a company based in Los Angeles, has created an app for Google Glass called BEAM that lets users upload videos directly to YouTube. They can choose to upload their  video privately, or automatically share the video on Twitter.

All a person has to do is register the app, choose how they want the video shared, shoot the video, hit share and select the the FullScreen BEAM contact. 

Here is a video of FullScreen’s founding engineer Drew Baumann deminstrating how it works:

And an example of a video that Baumann shot and uploaded using BEAM:

Google seems to be counting on third-party developers to come up with cool ways to use its new product.

Earlier this week, a developer named Mike DiGiovanni, has created an app that allows Google Glass users to take a picture simply by winking

You can see a short video clip of how it works here. The wink it slow and deliberate (if not you might wind up taking thousands of pictures a day!) and there is a light that flashes when the picture is taken.

Google is even going so far as to offer financial support to developers who want to create apps for Glass.

Last month, Google Ventures, Andreessen Horowitz and Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers joined together to form a new program called Glass Collective, an investment syndicate that will provide financing and support to entrepreneurs that want to develop apps on Google Glass.

To submit an idea to Glass Collective, all a developer has to do is contact investors at one of the three firms, and they will jointly review the pitches. Google has also set up Google Mirror API, which is what developers will use to build services for Glass.

There is no telling what kind of cool stuff developers will come up with for the device, and it’s pretty exciting to watch.

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