Chat with founder of Siri, the jewel in iPhone 4S

Bambi Francisco Roizen · October 14, 2011 · Short URL:

Everyone loves the 4S because of Siri; Hear what it's all about from the CTO and co-founder

What has driven scores of people from around the world to stand in line for Apple's latest phone - the iPhone 4S? By the looks of it, what's got people talking is Siri. It doesn't hurt that Walt Mossberg of the Wall Street Journal and AllThingsD wrote a raving piece about it. "The standout feature, not available in other iPhones, or in any other phone I’ve seen, is Siri," wrote Mossberg. 

While I haven't checked out the iPhone 4S, I was fortunate enough to know Siri way back when it launched out of stealth mode. Here's what I said:  

"Siri, which recently came out of stealth mode, is a virtual assitant on the iPhone. Sure, it's not super sophisticated to be able to organize your child's birthday party. But it's the closest thing to a real assistant that you can talk to that I've ever seen.

The free iPhone app, which applies speech-to-text and text-to-intent technology to Web services, such as Yelp, OpenTable,  ticket reservation systems, Google Maps, etc., helps consumers get tasks done. It will be available in private beta to a select few (tens of thousands) in August."

Now Siri is all the rage. Check out my interview with Tom Gruber, co-founder and CTO of Siri. He talks about how Siri became possible and what it's all about. You'll even see a demo.

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Bambi Francisco Roizen

Founder and CEO of Vator, a media and research firm for entrepreneurs and investors; Managing Director of Vator Health Fund; Co-Founder of Invent Health; Author and award-winning journalist.

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