Venture Capital Executive Summary

Adam Hoeksema · November 29, 2010 · Short URL:

Top 20 Questions to Ask Before Submitting an Executive Summary to Potential Investors

According to the Angel Capital Education Foundation only 1 to 4% of angel investor applicants successfully raise capital. This means that entrepreneurs must develop strong business plans and executive summaries. There are a number questions you must ask yourself before submitting your business plan or executive summary.

1. Is it 2 pages or less?

2. Does it include your contact information?

3. Does it include your logo?

4. Is it intriguing?

5. Does it include a call to action for the reader to take a next step?

6. Does it include bullet lists instead of only long boring paragraphs?

7. Does it include the amount of financing requested?

8. Does your business solve a problem?

9. Does it identify your competition and how you differentiate yourself from competition?

10. Does it include your website address?

11. Does it include cash flow projections?

12. Does it include the assumptions used to build your financial projections?

13. Do you have at least one partner? Hard to raise capital alone.

14. Is your business model simple and understandable?

15. Does it include your market potential?

16. Does it include your target market?

17. Does it include a brief explanation of your unique solution?

18. Does it include your strategy for protecting your idea?

19. Does it include your go to market strategy?

20. Does it compel the reader to action?

If you can answer these 20 questions positively then you are probably ready to submit your business plan or executive summary to a group of potential investors.  Visit for free Executive Summary examples, templates, guides, videos and articles.

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