Move buys Threewide for $13M in cash

Katie Gatto · September 21, 2010 · Short URL:

Threewide's ListHub could represent an advantage when choosing your location

In a bid to expand its real estate assets, Move bought Threewide, an operator of an online real estate listing syndication service, known as ListHub. The site, which provides market intelligence to brokers and real estate franchises, was purchased for $13 million, in cash. ListHub uses the syndication of 2.4 million property listings, which come from 270 plus multiple listing services and 38,000 brokers, which are used to create data. That data is then used to monitor online listing performance.

The site services a fair bit of the field of the real estate market. In August, it reached 100 member organizations. In addition to the data the members used, ListHub provides a way to manage the distribution and display of their listings, via Internet marketing sites. This, will be added to Move's group of end users. Campbell, Calif.-based Move currently has 12.7 million monthly visitors to its online network of websites and owns several sites including:,®,, SeniorHousingNet, and TOP PRODUCER Systems.

All of the current management, and talent, will be kept at the company. The company will become a wholly-owned subsidiary.

Threewide was founded in July of 1999. A year later, in 2000, the company began to focus on the digital capture, packaging, and transport of data, with a focus on brokerages, Multiple Listing Services, and other industry vendors. In 2007, Threewide launched ListHub, the first listing asset management system for brokers in the United States.

Finally, what does this mean for an entrepreneur? Besides knowledge of what a real estate listing service can fetch in the market, the listings can help you to make comparisons between commercial properties easily. Enhanced listings can mean more choices, which are good in a lot of ways. It can mean avoiding an overbid. It can mean finding that great location, right where your customers already are. Given that location can make a difference, in the course of your business, this could make your life a little simpler. Provided that your broker uses it.

Move nor Threewide were not available for immediate comment.

(Image from ListHub)

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