Web conferencing launched on iPhone

Bambi Francisco Roizen · November 13, 2008 · Short URL: https://vator.tv/n/525

Iotum's Calliflower on-the-go is free until January

At the Under the Radar conference this week, Iotum announced its Calliflower app for the iPhone. Essentially, the app is an extension of the Calliflower desktop conferencing service, which is similar to DimDim, GoToMeeting and WebEx. With the app, you can share documents, moderate multiple parties on the call, invite guests, chat, and post images, among other things. Founder and CEO Alec Saunders gave me a demo.

The service is free and will be available on the iPhone App store soon. But starting January 1st, the app will cost $10 to download. The overall desktop and phone conferencing application combo is compelling.

And, the user interface is pretty nice, despite the fact that managing people and documents on a little screen may seem a bit crowded. Iotum started in 2004, with $2.5 million in seed funding. The company is currently seeking to raise $5 million in a Series A round. 

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Bambi Francisco Roizen

Founder and CEO of Vator, a media and research firm for entrepreneurs and investors; Managing Director of Vator Health Fund; Co-Founder of Invent Health; Author and award-winning journalist.

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Iotum Inc.


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Ever suffered through an unproductive conference call? We feel your pain. Iotum is reinventing business conversations, one conference call at a time.


Calliflower is a presence-driven conferencing service that combines text chat, document sharing and audio conferencing with rich, visual features to deliver an engaging and easy to use experience, mobile or web. Users organize calls, invite participants, and then talk on the iotum bridge. Calliflower schedules conferences based on people’s availability. When it’s time for the call, Calliflower sends reminders to everyone to dial into the bridge.




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Dimdim is the world's only free, open source web collaboration company. Dimdim lets anyone share audio, video and their desktops all within a browser with no software download required for participants. Dimdim´s hosted service is available for free and can be used from small gatherings to seminars with hundreds of attendees. Enterprise and open source versions of Dimdim are also available. Dimdim is backed by the original investors in Skype, Hotmail, and MySQL. Dimdim’s global investors include: Nexus India Capital, Index Ventures and Draper Richards. Dimdim is based in Boston, Mass., with offices in New Hampshire, Canada and India. Dimdim can be found online at www.dimdim.com.


Alec Saunders

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