Most folks believe that video on their website may cost thousands of dollars, but a new and novel approach by Flashback Media Productions in Boulder, Colorado, makes them incredibly affordable. With this new service, Flashback can get a personalized message, or a new product video, up on any website in a matter of minutes. Now everyone can have high-quality video messages from management, sales, HR departments or even product overviews, on their website, for under $400. And, we will shoot in High-Definition for broadcast quality picture and sound. You no longer have to “make do” with your friend’s consumer camera and lack of good lighting and clear sound.
For an example of what a video could look like, go to flashback’s home page at
Customers have a choice of “green-screen” background (to allow for the background of your choice or for “cutout” videos), or a decorated, fixed background for your web presentations. People and/or products are professionally lit, given studio time to “lay down the rap” and Flashback will deliver the best take(s) in any of the popular streaming formats (Flash, Windows Media, or Apple Quicktime format). It can be put up on the website almost immediately.
If editing is required, or a longer, more complicated piece needed, we can do that plus record voiceovers and create video logos. Flashback has three digital non-linear editing suites with digital effects, music and audio recording and mixing. If more time is needed and the “pitch” cannot be done in the allotted time, take as long as you like. Additional blocks of time can be added for a small, incremental cost.
Flashback Media is a full service production company serving the Denver/Boulder metro area (and beyond!) and offering the highest quality production services from concept through completion for broadcast, documentary, educational and corporate needs. For more information call 303-545-9955 or check out our website at