financing. Integral Capital Partners lead the $8M round with Benchmark
Capital, who lead their Series A, participating as well. Grockit is
creating a MMOLG (Massively Multi Player Online Learning Game) where
people can connect to learn from each other. The company was founded by
Farbood Nivi, a long time teacher, and Michael Buffington, a well known
Rails developer. Grockit will use the latest financing to expand their
development team and they plan to launch their first product this fall.
Rox Medical Inc., a San Clemente,
Calif.-based medical device company focused on chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease, has raised $35 million in Series C funding,
according to VentureWire. Essex Woodlands Health Ventures
led the round, and was joined by return backers Domain Associates,
Prism VentureWorks and Versant Ventures. The company had previously
raised around $16 million.
(From PE HUB. To see all PE HUB funding announcements, click here.)