Surf Canyon CEO Marc Cramer tells us in this interview that the need for his company’s search application product can be summed up in the phrase: “too many results.”

According to Cramer, and most users of search, for that matter, typing a query into Google or another search engine returns pages and pages of results that are hard to wade through if the top recommendations don’t give you what you’re looking for.

Surf Canyon’s browser plug-in makes it easier to refine your search. Once you click on a result, the software uses what’s called semantic real-time implicit personalization to find other entries buried within the results that are similar to that one.

The company said today it’s now available on the classified site to help its users find things more quickly. 

Surf Canyon bootstrapped itself for two years, what Cramer calls “a long and painful process” before landing a $600,000 funding round in the past month.

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