Traditionally, creating a 3D model of anything was a chore. Technology is helping to change that, however. Occipital is one company that is looking to change how we look at 3D modeling. Their product, Structure Sensor, is an affordable way for professionals and hobbyists alike to quickly make 3D models of almost anything.

Their newest release, the Canvas app for iPad, gives owners of the Structure Sensor an easy way to create 3D models of spaces. By utilizing the Structure Sensor, which makes hundreds of calculations a second, you can quickly scan an entire room and get a ridiculously accurate 3D model in minutes. If you already own a Structure Sensor, you’ll have to purchase their new, 120 degree wide lens camera attachment, but it’s a small price to pay for the professional quality models you’ll be making.

Ask any designer or builder what one of the most time consuming aspects in their field is, and many will tell you that having to measure almost everything is at the top of the list. With the Measure tool on Canvas, users will be able to quickly get accurate measurements of anything in the model. No longer will builders have to return to the job site because they forgot to measure a window or doorway.

While the 3D models are great, designers need a polished representation to show to clients. Canvas has you covered there, as well. Their service, Scan to CAD, allows for the export of the 3D file, where the Canvas team will turn your 3D model into a perfect CAD file, complete with multiple layers and names for things like door frames, walls, and windows. Designers can take this CAD file and turn a client’s room into their dream space. Scan to CAD takes around two business days to get back and costs approximately $25 per conversion, but the time and energy saved is well worth it.

In a world where fast turnarounds can be the difference in making a client happy or not, the tools available through Structure Sensor and Canvas are well worth the investment.

Occipital was founded in 2008 and is headquartered in Boulder, Colorado. Find out more about the company here.


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