GE Capital, the consumer lending and financial services arm of GE, is rolling out a new mobile app designed to help chain restaurant-owners save money on energy by measuring and reducing the amount of lighting their restaurants use. The mobile app, called WattWise, will analyze the amount of energy used by an establishment’s current lighting system and then estimate cost savings if the restaurant were to switch over to a more energy efficient lighting system. The app is only available to GE Capital customers, so it’s not available in the App Store or the App Marketplace.

This can prove to be a big money-saver to restaurant owners, particularly as restaurants typically spend up to five times more on utilities than other commercial businesses, according to the 2011 Chain Restaurant Industry Review, released this week by GE Capital, Franchise Finance. While lighting itself only accounts for about 13% of a restaurant’s energy consumption, it’s an easily remediable cost.

Of course, the energy efficient alternative consists of those little fluorescent lightbulbs that cast a dull, anemic glow that never quite rivals a night-light. So restaurant owners can save money on lighting, but they’ll probably break even since customers won’t want to eat at a place where they can’t see their own food.

But Chris Armbruster, VP of franchise development for Taco Bell, gave the app a glowing review: “A simple system like this for improving light bulbs can directly impact an operator’s bottom line over the long run. WattWise is a great way to save money and be environmentally conscious at the same time.”

Early tests with WattWise pinpointed an average of $500 in potential savings per restaurant per year when it came to lighting expenses. For franchises like Taco Bell, which has 5,600 locations, a cost savings of $500 per restaurant could total some big numbers in the long run. For the Taco Bell corporation as a whole, that translates to a potential savings of $2.8 billion. And that’s money that the company desperately needs to pay for real beef to put into its tacos. 

“The franchise restaurant industry is beginning to grow again as consumers dine out more frequently,” said Agustin Carcoba, president and CEO of GE Capital, Franchise Finance. “Operators are optimistic about the industry’s top-line results, but they’re still searching for new strategies and tools to improve margins. We believe WattWise is a simple tool to help our customers identify energy cost savings and improve the bottom line.”

WattWise was first introduced earlier this week at the Restaurant Leadership Conference in Scottsdale, AZ. GE Capital could not be reached for comment.

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