Luckily there are a number of websites that are devoted to helping entrepreneurs get the word out about their new business for free. Below you will find four steps to generate a buzz around your startup for free.
1. Google – “Submit Startup” – This will bring you to the most comprehensive listing of websites in which to list your startup company. The idea is that you can submit your startup to be reviewed or featured on a popular blog or website. The owners of these blogs and websites need content. They need to have businesses to review for their content hungry visitors. You can benefit from this need by simply submitting your startup for free.
2. Target a relevant blog – For example, you may submit your startup to One business will then be chosen each week to be featured on the popular startup blog, ExecutivePlan. The ExecutivePlan blog will attract other entrepreneurs, as well as, potential investors to the blog. This is a great way to meet potential investors and partners, and simply get your name out there in the media.
3. Rinse and repeat – Once you have done this, you should simply return to the giant listing on Submit Startup and find another blog with an audience that is relevant to your business. Persistence pays off because the owners will see your startup submitted for review multiple times and probably be more likely to pick you. It is an easy process and can generate an incredible buzz if you can find a relevant blog to be featured on.
4. Be active on – Vator, which comes from the word innovator, is a startup company community with over 50,000 members interested in entrepreneurship, or are entrepreneurs. You may create a company profile for free and begin posting “News Bites” (short texts about what’s happening at your company). The Vator platform allows you to find, connect and learn from other entrepreneurs or those in the ecosystem (including investors), which is one of the best ways to build your business. In my search for the best way to generate startup fame, I have never come across a better resource than If you are active in the community, you will absolutely benefit.
For startups on a budget, don’t spend thousands on advertising until you have exhausted the hundreds of free resources that can be used to generate a buzz for your new venture.
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