Apple still holds a tight grasp on mobile OS Web share, according to data released by Quantcast this week. But in the last quarter alone, it’s lost 4.5% of that share to competitor smart phones.
Google’s Android OS runs on plenty of smartphones now, but among them, the most advanced are Motorala’s Droid and HTC’s Nexus One. Just earlier this week, Apple filed a lawsuit against smartphone developer, HTC for patent infringement.
Stats like these ones published by Quantcast, all the more justify the notion that Apple is worried about the rise of competitor smartphones, like those running Android – thus the lawsuit. Apple is playing the matter off that their technology is being downright copied. Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO commented on the matter, “we think competition is healthy, but competitors should create their own original technology, not steal ours.”
But Apple shouldn’t be too worried, Quantcast commented, “while Apple’s market share continues to decline (remember they’re still gaining the most in absolute mobile web consumption), the competition have a long way to go before there’s a real fight on their hands.”