In 2021, 38% of tweens were using social media, an increase from 31% in 2019, while the number among teenagers the number was nearly 100%. Meanwhile, these companies have come under increasing scrutiny over whether they are having negative effect on the mental health of these kids, particularly those under 10. The use of social media platforms, in particular Instagram and Snapchat, have been associated with more unsympathetic online behaviors, and greater likelihood of online harassment and sexual harassment victimization, compared to either tweens or teens. 

These companies aren’t happy about this association for obvious reasons, and so Snapchat, which has more than 20 million teens in the U.S. using its platform, unveiled new safety tools and resources aimed at educators as a way for them to use it to help their students. 

Among these initiatives is a new website called the Educator’s Guide to Snapchat, is meant to help teachers and schools better understand how their students use Snapchat, while also getting a better understanding of the product, including protections available to students and schools, as well as resources Snapchat has made available to assist schools in making school safe for their students.

The site also includes new videos that highlight Snap’s features for schools and safeguards for teens, along with downloadable resources that educators can share with parents and  counselors so they can help students handle risks they may face online, such as bullying, mental health concerns and sexual harms.

For example, it provides information on Snapchat’s Family Center, which are a set of controls that giving parents insight into who their teens’ friends are, who they’ve been recently communicating with, and then confidentially report any concerns directly to Snapchat’s safety teams.

In addition, Snapchat also partnered with Safe and Sound Schools to develop a toolkit for educators so they support the safety and wellbeing of their students online, with a specific focus on understanding Snapchat. 

Finally, the company created educator feedback form, so educators can share their perspectives and insights about how Snapchat is being utilized in their school communities. 

“More than 20 million teens in the U.S. use Snapchat, and we know their digital wellbeing is a top priority for adults in their lives, including parents and teachers. As teens head back to school, we’re launching new safety tools and resources created specifically for educators,” Snapchat wrote in its blog post.

“These new resources were designed to help educators and school administrators understand how their students use Snapchat, the key protections available to students and schools, and the resources we offer to assist schools in their efforts to create safe and supportive environments for students.”

Other social media companies have also announced similar programs and resources. Facebook For Education, for example, allows teachers to start or join a Facebook Group with their peers, while also providing community resources for their personal wellness and mental health, and community anti-racism resources.

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