Groupon takes deals to grad school

Faith Merino · September 6, 2011 · Short URL:

Groupon teams with National Louis University to offer 60% tuition on one course

Groupon is trying something new today: its first ever Groupon for grad school.  The deal comes to you courtesy of National Louis University in Chicago, which is offering a 57% off tuition deal for one course in its Master of Arts in Teaching program.  The course, which normally costs $2,232, is being offered for $950.

The deal, which went live Tuesday, September 6 and ends in four days, is specifically for an Introduction to Teaching course, which runs for ten weeks beginning September 26.  The class is open to anyone with an undergraduate degree and serves as a cost-effective trial offer for those entertaining the possibility of a career in teaching.  The class—one of many in the two-year Master’s program—will go over trends in K-12 education, how the K-12 sectors works (regulation, certification, policy), developing a personal teaching philosophy, and more.  

Additionally, those who take the course have the opportunity to earn credit towards a Master’s degree, should they choose to continue in the program (and should they be accepted.  Purchasing the deal and taking the course does not guarantee admission to the school). 

"Part of National Louis University's mission is to make education accessible to everyone, and it is equally important for our students to understand the commitment they are making when they are accepted to our Masters of Arts in Teaching program," said Dr. Nivine Megahed, President of National Louis University, in a statement. "Because it is both a time and financial commitment, the Groupon offer lets them try a course and receive academic credit, if he or she determines they want to pursue a graduate degree in teaching with National Louis University."

I like this idea of giving aspiring teachers a trial run.  Roughly half of all new teachers quit in their first five years for various reasons: not enough time in the day to get everything done, frustration with administrative bureaucracy, no job security, low pay, overbearing helicopter parents, parents who are uninterested…the list goes on.  Along with the introductory course, students will be required to complete 15 hours of service learning field experience in a real classroom.  So, by the end of the course, students should have a much clearer understanding of the real rigors of teaching and managing a classroom.

"This is the type of experience you could only find on Groupon," said Groupon spokesperson Julie Mossler, in a statement. "We're constantly looking for innovative organizations like National Louis University to help subscribers discover new passions and pursue their interests.”


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