C2Call collects $2 million for browser VoIP

Ronny Kerr · August 5, 2010 · Short URL: https://vator.tv/n/10f9

Browser- and iPhone-based VoIP software lets anyone make a call just by sharing a link

C2CallC2Call, provider of browser-based VoIP solutions, has raised $2 million in Series A funding from Draper Investment Company, High-Tech Grunderfonds, and Mr. Klaus Wecken, co-founder of KHK Software AG.

Potentially exploding the number of phone conversations on the Internet, C2Call lets anyone make a call by simply creating a uniquely assigned link that when clicked connects the caller to the recipient, all without any software download or site registration. Demonstrating the wide array of potential for these links, C2Call suggests placing them in an email, IM, Web site, blog, Twitter post, Facebook update, or on any other social network site.

That software, called FriendCaller, is supplemented by a host of other features offered by C2Call. FriendCaller Web Phone, for example, presents the user with a full-featured phone in the browser as an application that can also just be dragged to the desktop (on Windows).

FriendCaller for iOS devices (iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch) functions as a standard mobile VoIP service, of which the App Store already has many examples. Also available are Android and Facebook application iterations of the FriendCaller.

Calls cost nothing over the Internet with C2Call, but land line and cell phone calls cost two cents per minute.

Since April 2010, the Germany-based startup has pulled in $2 million in revenue. Over 900,000 users, with another 15,000 added each day, currently take advantage of the service.

For the future, C2Call looks to be working on a project called FriendCaller CallSharing, a VoIP conferencing call solution.

C2Call says it will use the new funds to expand FriendCaller internationally.

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