Former Plaxo CEO, Ben Golub, now at Gluster

Bambi Francisco Roizen · May 19, 2010 · Short URL:

Gluster - an open-source storage company - grabs seasoned social-networking executive

(Updated to correct an earlier version that said Plaxo was purchased by Cisco)

Ben Golub, who sold Plaxo to Comcast for $150-plus million in 2008, has joined Gluster as its chief execuive.

Gluster is a provider of open-source storage solutions that seek to lower the costs of storage for unstructured data, such as video and games. The amount of such data is growing by 80% to doubling each year, said Ben, in this interview with me. Yet the cost side is only falling by 20% to 30%. This leaves room for emerging solutions to bring the costs in line.

In this interview, Ben talks about how Gluster plans to make money as a provider of "open-source" software and says the company is seeking to double the channel partnerships it currently has in order to re-sell its solution. He also talks about the competitive landscape and how Gluster compares to Amazon Web Services, Rackspace, NetApp and Isilon Systems.

As far as storage as a service, Ben says the company doesn't plan to move in this area as it's a costly endeavor. Gluster has raised $4 million in funding since having started in '05. Ben plans do raise additional funds soon, though he says they still have a lot of cash in the bank.

Watch the video for more. 

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Bambi Francisco Roizen

Founder and CEO of Vator, a media and research firm for entrepreneurs and investors; Managing Director of Vator Health Fund; Co-Founder of Invent Health; Author and award-winning journalist.

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Gluster is exclusively focused on simplifying the task of storing and managing the explosion of unstructured data while transforming the economics of storage. Gluster is an open source clustered file system that runs on commodity off-the-shelf hardware, delivering multiple times the scalability and performance of conventional storage at a fraction of the cost.