April Fools' roundup

Bambi Francisco Roizen · April 1, 2009 · Short URL: https://vator.tv/n/7c2

Guardian gets Twitterized; Fark launches social network; Google masters AI

Here's a few April Fools' gags from around the Web. 

Vator launched Air Vator, in retaliation to Richard Branson's Pitch TV.

My favorite is the Guardian's move toward brevity. It's going to deliver its news 140 characters at a time.

Google introduces CADIE: An artificial intelligence tasked-array system. Here's the homepage.


More Web sites are getting "socialized."

Fark launched its own social network, called "The New Fark Experience," designed so Farkers can find other Farkers.

The folks at TechCrunch came out with their own social network around fragrances. The site is called Smellr. It's like Flickr, but for your nose.

 YouTube suggests a better way for you to watch videos: upside down. 

A pretty good guide to finding April Fools gags online is from AprFoolsDay on Twitter. 

Online poker community site, Cardschat, said its site was seized by Kentucky State Department of Justic.

I'll keep posting more throughout the day. Suggestions welcomed.


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Bambi Francisco Roizen

Founder and CEO of Vator, a media and research firm for entrepreneurs and investors; Managing Director of Vator Health Fund; Co-Founder of Invent Health; Author and award-winning journalist.

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