I’m not sure when it happened, but social media has changed. Like, a lot.

No longer are Facebook ads or sponsored Twitter posts enough, now, if you’re a brand (new or established) you have to start telling stories. Stories, of course, referring to social media aspect of platforms like Snapchat and Instagram.

As a quick refresher, these Stories have quickly increased in popularity and offer quick, easily digestible posts that do not appear in your actual timeline on Instagram. While I’m not exactly hip with the Stories, their impact is undeniable.

Image: Wipster

Image: Wipster

Instagram’s Stories growth is undeniable, and with that comes needs for more (and better) tools for monitoring interaction and effect.

But if you’re a marketer or running a startup, how do you measure the influence that these Instagram Stories are generating? How do you really know what Stories are performing better than others?

Yes, at a base level you can look at reactions, but if you are in marketing, you know it’s just not that simple and not knowing means spending more money figuring it out. That’s where something like Mish Guru comes into play.

This isn’t Mish Guru’s first rodeo, either, having created a similar service for Snapchat that quickly gained popularity with brands like McDonald’s and Red Bull, before becoming an official Snapchat Partner.

The new service, which focuses on Instagram, is similar in nature, it provides advanced analytics to allow you to see just what is, and isn’t working, with your Stories.

Image: TheNextWeb

Image: Mish Guru

Not only does it allow for scheduling and storyboarding, but you can also cross-post with Snapchat. For analytics, you can see how each story performed across a variety of factors.

This includes total views, unique views (which, surprisingly, is often quite different due to how Instagram displays Stories), the percentage of the Story watched, and who stuck through for the whole thing. 

These final attributes can be extremely helpful, as it can show which Stories keep the viewers’ attention and which ones come off as bland and uninteresting. If you are a brand that receives a bunch of interaction with customers and fans, you can even search and pull that content and share it on your Story. 

That last note might not seem too important, but that type of organic content simply produces more results due to its sincerity. 

In closing, Mish Guru doesn’t have a set price which can understandably turn some people off, but it’s because it’s hard to gauge on something like this. Every business will have different needs and requirements. If you’re interested, however, you can get a demo here.

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