Vator held its annual Splash Health event on Tuesday, and it couldn’t have gone better. Not only were the panelists, and all of our presenting companies great, but so were all of our audience members, who helped us to preserved the memory of the event on Twitter forever.
Here are some highlights from our attendees on Twitter:
Excited to be at #vatorsplashhealth
— Lab Sensor Solutions (@LSSTracks) February 23, 2016
We’re looking forward to meeting innovative #health companies @PokitDok at #vatorsplashhealth
— Healthiest (@Healthiest_) February 18, 2016
Headed over to @vatortv #vatorsplashhealth. Hoping to see @davidemanuel @ernestsemerda @jportnoy @webgeek @tctjr and @alidiab.
— Subtraction Capital (@SubtractionCap) February 23, 2016
Opening Remarks – Emcee: Alex Roizen (Vator Investment Club), Bambi Francisco (Founder & CEO, Vator), Crystal Brown (Founder & CEO, Healthiest)
Kicking off #vatorsplashhealth
— Lab Sensor Solutions (@LSSTracks) February 23, 2016
RT vatortv bambi100 kicking off #VatorSplashHealth “we spend more $ on healthcare per capita than any other country = #healthcare is #broke…
— David Cooper (@coolbeansweb23) February 23, 2016
Kicking off here #vatorsplashhealth Looking forward to pitch competition and speakers.
— Kim MacPherson (@KimMacSF) February 23, 2016
Session 1 – Fireside: Tackling cancer with technology, Helmy Eltoukhy (Founder & CEO, Guardant Health) and Bambi Francisco (Founder & CEO, Vator)
99.3% diagnostic accuracy for cancer using blood sample (vs biopsy) @helmy_l2k of @GuardantHealth #vatorsplashhealth
— Ben Geller (@gbeng) February 23, 2016
We can detect #breastcancer 6 months faster than a CT scan @Helmy_L2K @GuardantHealth #vatorsplashhealth
— George Roche (@GeorgeRoche22) February 23, 2016
Listening to an amazing tech talk at #vatorsplashhealth on innovations in cancer detection. I’m completely blown away…and inspired.
— Jennel McDonald (@jennelmc) February 23, 2016
Session 2: Innovators in patient-centered healthcare, Moderator: Stephanie Lee (Senior Technology Reporter, Buzzfeed) Panelists: Jason Oberfest (Founder & CEO, Mango Health), Vic Gundotra (CEO, AliveCor), Peter Shalek (Founder & CEO, Joyable)
Patient centered healthcare panel #vatorsplashhealth great stuff @AliveCor
— Lab Sensor Solutions (@LSSTracks) February 23, 2016
“85% of people with anxiety or depression don’t have access to adequate care.” – @bejoyable CEO Peter Shalek @vatortv #VatorSplashHealth
— Rebecca Grubman (@RebeccaGrubman) February 23, 2016
Wearables have not lived up to the hype @bejoyable @stephaniemlee #vatorsplashhealth
— George Roche (@GeorgeRoche22) February 23, 2016
Session 4: Splash Talk – Protecting Yourself as the Founder, Ryan Howard (Chairman & Founder, Practice Fusion)
How to protect yourself as a founder at #vatorsplashhealth. Great advice.
— Lab Sensor Solutions (@LSSTracks) February 23, 2016
Interview your board members. Hire for culture. Great real-life insights from @PracticeFusion founder @RyanHowardCEO at #vatorsplashhealth
— Sara Thomas (@saraannet) February 23, 2016
#vatorsplashhealth @RyanHowardCEO just gave a great talk on real lessons learned as a founder. Thanks for the candor and truth
— CA2NYgirl (@CA2NYgirl) February 23, 2016
Session 6: Splash Talk: When software eats bio Vijay Pande (General Partner, Andreessen Horowitz)
Checking in at #vatorsplashhealth … Now hearing from Vijay, partner at Andreassen Horowitz
— JeShaune Jackson (@JeShaune) February 23, 2016
True education is learning how to learn, @vijaypande @a16z #vatorsplashhealth
— Ase Bailey (@asebailey) February 23, 2016
Listening to @vijaypande @vatortv #vatorsplashhealth. He is always so thoughtful and inspiring. “Go full stack”
— CA2NYgirl (@CA2NYgirl) February 23, 2016
Session 7: Telemedicine and Patient-Engagement, Moderator: Roman Arzhintar (Managing Director, Vator Investment Club) Panelists: Chris Hogg (COO, Propeller Health), Rick Altinger (CEO, Glooko), Jeremy Howard (Founder & CEO, Enlitic), Julie Papanek (Healthcare Investor, Canaan Partners)
“d2c, target identity purchases, related 2who ppl R as individuals” #vatorsplashhealth @JuliePapanek @canaanpartners
— Neda (@NedaAmidi) February 23, 2016
To get US patients to pay for care mgmt/tools, it really has to be about identity or convenience @JuliePapanek here at #vatorsplashhealth
— Kim MacPherson (@KimMacSF) February 23, 2016
@LinaAtBerkeley of @enlitic on patient engagement at @vatortv #vatorsplashhealth
— mdelavina (@mdelavina) February 23, 2016
Session 8: Uncovering new data from APIs and the platforms, Moderator: Paul Willard (Partner, Subtraction Capital); Panelists: Ted Tanner (Co-Founder & CTO, Pokitdok), Missy Krasner (Managing Director, Healthcare & Life Sciences, Box), Drew Schiller (Founder & CTO, Validic), Andrei Pop (Founder & CEO, Human API)
Why is now the right time for APIs in #healthcare? #vatorsplashhealth
— PokitDok (@PokitDok) February 23, 2016
Aces of API at #vatorsplashhealth Making data interesting! #healthtech #vator
— Peter Conte (@peterconte) February 23, 2016
.@Validic‘s @DrewSchiller says Why Wait #DigitalHealth use cases happening NOW – w/@BoxHQ‘s @missykras @PokitDok #VatorSplashHealth @vatortv
— Chris Edwards (@chrissedwards) February 23, 2016
Session 9: Splash Talk: Funding the ‘science’ behind Health Care, Julia Moore (Portfolio Director, Thiel Foundation’s Breakout Labs)
Julia Moore from @Breakout_Labs talks about how to get radical scientific advances #VatorSplashHealth
— Vator (@vatortv) February 23, 2016
If it works does it matter? Julia Moore @Breakout_Labs #vatorsplashhealth
— Ase Bailey (@asebailey) February 23, 2016
Session 10: Fireside: Reinventing Healthcare Insurance, Ali Diab (Founder & CEO, Collective Health) and Ezra Roizen (Managing Director, Vator Investment Club)
CEO @AliDiab takes the stage with @EzraRoizen at #vatorsplashhealth to share the Collective Health story. @vatortv
— Collective Health (@CollectvHealth) February 23, 2016
“$300 billion is wasted in healthcare on fixing errors in misunderstanding what’s covered” – alidiab#VatorSplashHealth
— Vator (@vatortv) February 23, 2016
Session 11: Who’s Financing the Digital Health Ecosystem?, Moderator: Mark Ginestro (Principal, Healthcare & Life Sciences, Strategy, KPMG); Panelists: Tony Miller (Managing Partner, Lemhi Ventures), Steve Barsh (Chief Innovation Officer, Dreamit Ventures), Dave Schulte (Partner, McKesson Ventures), Nancy Brown (Partner, Oak HC/FT), Jack Young (Partner, Qualcomm Life Fund)
.@davemschulte is excited to meet #vatorsplashhealth entrepreneurs alongside @nancybrown, @youngjhmb, @sbarsch, @DreamitVentures
— McKesson Ventures (@MCK_Ventures) February 23, 2016
“Don’t tell me you are ‘the Uber of healthcare’…that can destroy credibility” – @davemschulte @MCK_Ventures #VatorSplashHealth @vatortv
— Rebecca Grubman (@RebeccaGrubman) February 23, 2016
Session 12: Fireside – The Future of Healthcare, Cory Johnson (Anchor, Bloomberg West TV), Lynne Chou (Partner, Kleiner Perkins)
Lynne Chou @kpcb in a fireside chat with @CoryTV on #Future of #healthcare #VatorSplashHealth
— Vator (@vatortv) February 24, 2016
@CoryTV w/ @kpcb Lynne Chou at #vatorsplashhealth $4.3 Billion spent on digital health last year. #healthtech
— Peter Conte (@peterconte) February 24, 2016
@CoryTV “what do health care companies want from tech?” L Chou: “not innovative window shopping, but real change.” #vatorsplashhealth
— Peter Conte (@peterconte) February 24, 2016
Splash Winner Ceremony
And… the winner… #VatorSplashHealth – #LightHouse Congratulations!
— Vator (@vatortv) February 24, 2016
Awesome time #vatorsplashhealth today! @vatortv
— Slalom San Francisco (@Slalom_SF) February 24, 2016