Vator Splash Health 2015 finalist Nodexus is commercializing a versatile system, consisting of a hardware platform (tablet-sized) and disposable cartridges, that was developed at Princeton University and the University of California, Berkeley.  The technology offers unprecedented sensitivity at a fraction of the cost, and we are leveraging our unique advantages for cancer screening.

Here’s a video of Karthik Balakrishnan presenting at Vator Splash Health.

Among the judges were Nina Kjellson (General Partner, InterWest Partners), Missy Krasner (Managing Director, Healthcare & Life Sciences, Box), John Steuart (Managing Director, Prolog Ventures, Garrett Dunham (Founder & CEO, Prebacked), Shomit Ghose (Managing Director & Partner, ONSET Ventures), Sharon Knight (Founder, Avik Ventures), Vishal Vasishth (Co-Founder, Obvious Ventures), and Mike McCormick (Audit Senior Manager, KPMG).

Apply to Splash Oakland for the chance to present and compete live on April 23, and join in on workshops on April 22. Applications due before March 18. APPLY HERE.

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