Myth Busters: Funding Facts & Fiction
Time & Date: 6 – 9 pm on Jan. 14th, 2014
Location: Sheppard Mullin Richter Hampton, 379 Lytton Avenue, Palo
Alto, CA 94301
Register now with your vator discount and get 25% off registration. Promo Code: 25_PERCENT_OFF
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More Info:
This is our much anticipated “Myth Busters” Event!
It will be a packed house with plenty of drinks, food and networking. What you believe about fund raising isn’t necessarily true.
Find out what the biggest myths are when…
* Closing a Round
* Negotiating with VCs
* Assigning Board Seats
* Smart Money vs. Dumb Money
* Setting Liquidation Preferences
We’ll have three top VCs speaking at the event and busting all the myths!
Register now with your vator discount and get 25% off registration. Promo Code: 25_PERCENT_OFF