Is it just me, or has our relationship with Santa Claus always been, frankly, a little one-sided and creepy? He knows when I’m sleeping? Yeah, that makes me feel really comfortable. Thanks, St. Nick!
So, you know what I say? It’s about time that we all get to track him too! And now, with technology and all that, we can!
Both Google and Microsoft have officially released their Santa tracking services, letting all of us see where Kris Kringle and his reindeer are around the world. Let’s see how he likes having his privacy violated! (I’m only kidding with you, Santa! Please don’t leave me a lump of coal again, you vindictive bastard!)
Here’s how you can find him:
The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) has been officially tracking Santa for decades, but this year the organization has teamed up with Microsoft and Sykpe to create a new interactive experience.
The website comes complete with a touch-enabled 3D globe, with lights up and follows Santa’s movements. If they have a touch enabled device, users have the ability to spin the globe with a swipe of a finger and pinch and zoom to get an in-depth look at Santa’s stops. Using Bing Maps, users can map Santa’s route, visit Santa’s village at the North Pole, play games, listen to music and watch videos.
Children have been able to call NORAD to find out Santa’s location since 1955, but this is the 21st century. No one uses a phone anymore. Now they can use Skype to track Santa’s progress for free.
Google, meanwhile, has released its own Santa tracker, showing how many presents have been delivered, how far he has traveled and his current status (he is currently “holding onto his hat”).
It even shows you how long it is going to take him to get to his next stop.
Beyond the Santa Tracker website, Google has also released a Santa Tracker app for Android, so people can track him on the go.
The company has also been building up to Christmas by releasing Santa-themed games and services. throughout the month. For example, Santa has been going skydiving, the elves have catapulted presents, and Santa even sent out custom voice messages to friends and family.
Oh, and in case you were wondering, Santa is currently over Asia. He was last seen in Burma and is heading toward China right now!
Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!
(Image source: