We are feeling happy to announce a wonderful feature improvment for those customers who are looking for advance customization options in live chat. Because Live chat widget is the most important part for any website to integrate it with. Live chat settings have not only been adequate but customization options have also been improved with regards to it’s visibility, bezelness and gradients. As you may have noticed that new UI of Banckle Chat has enabled its users to integrate live chat into their websites more quickly and efficiently. It’s new and unconventional version 3.0 helps users to understand and interact with the content. The screenshot below gives an overview of the main widget settings screen:

Widgets Screen 300x151 Live Chat Application with Advance Customization Options

Widgets Screen

Just like the old customization options, the new changes are delightful and handy to access. From it’s General tab to Widget Design, the control of the live chat widget is delegated to the users. Users can simply modify the widget at any point and the changes take place instantly. It’s Preferences tab has been modified and some useful information about the live chat widget has been updated as well such as widget position, translation of the chat messages, smart queue option, offline messages settings, widget behavior, visitor invitation etc.

Particularly, live chat greeting messages option has been improvised and it is now better than ever. In Banckle Chat’s previous version, some customers found it hard to locate the correct greeting messages. With its super extensive version, working with greeting messages tab is like a child’s play. Banckle Chat has made sure that Make sure that app’s content is discernible through translucent UI elements. The screenshots below clearly show that how easy it is now to change your live chat widget messages with its super fast preview option:

Relevant Discussions and Documentation Pages:

Overview: Banckle Chat

Banckle Chat is live chat and customer support solution. It is fully customizable and includes a variety of built-in templates, themes, widgets and tools for boosting customer service productivity. It achieves the great scalability by allowing multiple websites, multiple departments and multiple operators. You get all the freedom to customize the support structure as you like. Other important live support features like canned messages, file sharing, SSL encryption, proactive invitation, 24 x 7 support, visual and sound notifications are also supported. You can also track visitors and monitor their browsing activities using the analytics & reporting features.

Read more about Banckle Chat:

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Suite 163, 79 Longueville Road, Lane Cove, NSW 2066
Sydney, Australia
Banckle – Collaborative and Social Apps Provider
Phone: +1-888-416-9222
Fax: +1-206-339-1494
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