Sharing on social media is an excellent way to spread the word about something you love, either a tv show or a movie you just saw, or even an event you found out about. When someone they know says something is cool, people are simply going to listen more.
Event organization platform Eventbrite has been a big beneficiary of the trust that people pay into their friends on social media.
Eventbrite released its second report on the impact of social sharing Tuesday, which reports on revenue and traffic benefits gained when people share events on social media, specifically Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Eventbrite’s first report was published back in 2010, and the new report shows that sharing on social media has exploded in the last two years.
Dollars per share and visits per share
Eventbrite tracks social commerce based on two metrics: dollars per share, which measures the additional value of the tickets sold when shared on social media; and visits per share, which measures the amount of additional traffic generated when events are shared.
Dollars per share have almost doubled across social networks since 2010, increasing 81% from $1.78 to $3.23.
Facebook drives more revenue from ticket sales than any other platform, with $4.15, a 65% increase from $2.25 two years ago. Twitter saw the biggest increase of 330%, going from $0.43 to $1.85, while LinkedIn saw a very small increase since 2010, only 2%, going from $0.90 to $0.92.
The average increase across all social networks was $3.23 in additional revenue for the event each time someone shared it.
Visits per share also increased since the last report, with Twitter leading in the amount of event page traffic with 33 visits, compared to 14 for Facebook and 10 for LinkedIn. The average number of people who click on an Eventbrite link shared by organizers and attendees has increased from seven to 17 visits per share.
Social sharing around the world
Out of every country, it is Italy that shares the most, with 14% of users shaing events, while England clicks the most. For every event that is shared in the UK, 22 other people will click the link.
When broken down by platform, Ireland has the highest dollars per share on both Facebook and Twitter, despite having the smallest visits per share. Sharing on Facebook in Ireland will generate an additional $10.37 in sales, and $9.03 on Twitter.
On Facebook, it is followed by Australia with $5.32, and Canada, with $4.51.
Canada is a distant second to Ireland on Twitter, with $2.97 a tweet, and the Netherlands comes in third with $2.42 every time an event is shared on Twitter,
LinkedIn sees the largest dollar per share in France, with $12.56, quadruple the amount it sees in the Netherlands, which sees $3.33, and Italty, with $3.21 for every post.
“At Eventbrite, when we think about sharing, we’re thinking about the ways in which people influence one another, and how social media accelerates that influence,” Tamara Mendolsohn, VP of Marketing at Eventbrite, said in a statement.
“Because events are inherently social, it’s not surprising that we see a compound effect of sharing. And it’s interesting to see the values and traffic driven from a share continue to rise despite the increase in volume of sharing across social networks.”
See Eventbrite’s full infographic on the study below:
(Image source: http://blog.eventbrite.com_