An ad flyer is a cost-friendly and extremely effective method to draw the attention of users at first sight. It is used by many companies and individuals to introduce them in the market. For having a successful business and instant growth you need to have a creative flyer prints that stands apart in the competition. To make your ad flyers attractive, we present you the below tips to improve your ad flyers for small business growth:
Tip#1: Create a business oriented headline/title
Instead of simply using your business/company name as the title/headline on your flyer, use business oriented lines that draw the attention of its viewer. Make your ad flyer’s heading unforgettable and unique from others.
Bad example: Unique writers (which is a company name)
Good example: Want quality content? Drop us a line! (A targeted headline)
Now you would probably go for the 2nd example as it sounds more appealing. Define your business in one line rather than the name of your business. I hope I made it clear to you!
Tip#2: Use power words
You need to take over the mind of your readers by using some power words in your ad flyer in big letters so that they become visible and gets caught at first sight. In other words you have to hipnotize your readers and make them follow you. Here are 3 power words that will directly influence on your reader’s mind:
1. Imagine: This special word takes your reader to another world. With the help of this power word you can directly capture over the mind of your readers by putting them in imagination and making them to think what they ever wanted in their lives.
2. You: This word directly points out the reader which creates a positive impact on him/her. You will make him/her think that you are directly talking to your reader and not using simple format for your ad flyer
3. Because: Last but not the least, “because” word also creates an impact on your readers since with the help of this word you let your readers know why your product/service is different from others and why should a user try you.
Use the above power words on your ad flyer to influence your readers and make sure to use them in bold or big letters to make them more visible!
Tip#3: Use the right color combination
Choosing the right color combination covers a big part for creating a successful ad flyer for small business growth. Use light colors and shades to give it more of an appealing look. Although the colour scheme of your ad flyer should go along with your theme and logo but you can always give a touch of your creativity to make it more attractive and different from others that it catches the reader’s eyes in first go. Add some twisted colours to your logo, background and text. The best thing you could do is use the colours according to your industry take as if you are a painter consider using some funky colours and deep combinations of different colours to make people think that you are a painter even before reading the text of your ad flyer.
Tip#4: Use one large sized image
It is better to use on large sized image instead of so many small sized (tiny) images. This creates a good impact on its viewer. Use an eye-catching photo or illustration that draws attention towards it. Usually a large sized image attracts a reader and you can fit everything in just one image rather than using bits of it. Use an image that describes your industry and welcome readers to try your product/service. A good example of large sized image ad flyer can be no other than of tuitions centres, what you actually see is a large image where you get the complete description and features of that particular tuition centre and you directly get influenced by that matter.
Tip#5: Show testimonials and user feedback
Show your product/service testimonials and user feedbacks to satisfy your ad flyer reader. A proof of good service is the thing that attracts new customers towards any product/service. This will help you a lot in growing your small scale business. Try not to use a quoted testimonial with some descriptive lines and initials of the client in the end, since this is what the majority of companies and services do. This is not considered to be authentic and thus creates a negative impact on your readers. The best thing you can do is give your resource for contact after writing your testimonials. The most effective lines are “give us a call” or “visit our website for more testimonials and live resources to speak to these people”. Use these lines next to your testimonials to give it an authentic feel in your ad flyer.
Tip#6: Try to display the advantages of your product/service
Focus more on displaying your product’s/service’s advantage in your ad flyer to keep users engaged. Research your market and write the matter of your ad flyer in such a way that it sells your product. The idea here is to keep your readers engaged and demanding.
Your readers will want to know that what you are actually offering and how can they benefit from them. In this case always try to explain your service/product details from their viewpoint by using the words “you” and “your” that directly points out the reader and defines your product that how can it be beneficial for him/her. Same goes with the words: we, us, I and our, avoid using these words since these words sound more like self-praising words and make your ad flyer limited to you and at the same time forces your reader to think that you are only describing your service/product from your viewpoint and what you think about it not the way how he/she thinks.
Try using these words within your product/service description: guarantee, money saving, free, budget offer and other influential words that help you take over the mind of your reader.
Tip#7: Introduce coupons or limited time offers
Users like coupon and limited time offer the most. So benefit from this strategy to sale your products through ad flyers. Introduce a coupon on your ad flyer or post “limited time offer” punch line to attract users. Make sure that you mention every details and terms & conditions along with any of these lines to avoid misconception.
Tip#8: Don’t mess things up
What most of the companies do is they make their ad flyers so messy and filled with stuff that it irritates the reader, and that can risk you losing a sale? So avoid stuffing things in your ad flyer, make it readable and utilize every space available in your ad flyer!
Hope these tips help you improve your ad flyers. Do share your experience with us!