Do you actually go on vacation when you go on vacation? Typically, I don’t. This Thanksgiving week my husband and I went to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. We frequently choose that holiday week for our vacation because I’m only gone for three business days. (Yeah, I know – pretty pathetic.) Of course, that doesn’t mean I don’t work. Much to my husband’s chagrin, packed right along with the sunscreen and swimsuits, are piles of uncompleted work projects. In the past I’ve finished book manuscripts, written business plans, even reviewed financials as part of a due diligence process. But this trip was different. First the resort didn’t have an Internet connection in the room. Panic attack! Then, my phone signal was extremely weak. Another panic attack. I had to face the facts: My constant communication connection had been unceremoniously cut. Okay, I can deal with that, I thought. So I accepted my plight and decided to focus on projects that didn’t require communication with the outside world. But guess what! I did nothing. Yep, absolutely nothing. Didn’t accomplish one darn thing the entire week. There was something freeing about being cut-off from the world. I wasn’t compelled to check emails all day long or return phone calls. Instead, I took leisurely walks on the beach, enjoyed lazy lunches at beachside cafes, read a couple of great books, watched a few movies and relaxed. And amazingly — I enjoyed it. So my best vacation tip to my fellow small business workaholics, go on vacation and do nothing. RELAX.