As I sat down to brainstorm ideas for a post, I realized that many of the examples that I use to promote becoming a woman in tech deal with highlighting some of the most successful women in the field as well as explaining how you, too, can be a great woman in tech. But, as I started to think about things more, I realized that being “great” is not the only goal, and is just plain not attainable for everyone. Thus, I wanted to address that point here so that we can all be on the same page.

Sometimes, given the lack of female representation in the field and the rallying cries to become a part of something more than yourself, there can seem like a lot of pressure on women who want to join the women in technology movement. You might ask yourself “What if I’m not one of these super women?” or “What if I just want a career that helps me take care of myself, my family, and fulfills my goals and needs? Is that wrong? Do I need to be something more?”

Also, there is a problem in women like me always focusing the attention on the greatest role models (there are a lot of positives, as well. So I don’t think I’ll stop doing it.). The problem is that by only showing the exceptional cases of women in tech, the message goes out that in order to be satisfied in this field, you have to be “above the rest.” That simply isn’t true.

Today, I’m letting each and every one of us out there know that it is OK to just be you. As long as you are happy, fulfilling your goals, and supporting your intended lifestyle, you are on an enormously well-off path.

Being a part of the technology field offers many benefits in so far as getting you on this path, and you do not have to be a leader in the tech field to see these benefits. All you have to do is be aware of what makes you happy and professionally satisfied. If being a part of an emerging field in which you get to work on complex problems and bring solutions to a large number of people is part of that happiness, then that is what being a women in tech is all about.

The outcome of realizing this, is that we begin to take the pressure to be super women off ourselves, and begin just enjoying the bounties that being a technology member has to offer. Our careers become about ourselves as opposed to being about what we should and should not be. This, in turn opens our minds to the possibilities that our solutions and products have to offer, making the world of technology an even better place with us in it. 

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